Quarterly Challenge Table!

Jan 05, 2010 00:24

Instead of a simple table, we've created a little 'bingo card' for your use! It is a bit large, unfortunately...

Isn't it pretty?

Here's the html for you to use for your own table:


When you finish a task, you want to cross it off, yes? Well never fear! I've got an X for you!

Simply replace the " < !-- small DONE -- > " part of your table code with this:

http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/o_b_timeturner/x.gif" width="60" height="60" border="0" />

And replace the " < !-- INSERT URL HERE -- > " part of that code with a link to your response entry! It should look something like this:

Place this table somewhere in your journal, then provide a link to that post as a comment to this entry.

This table is entirely optional, though I do wish people would use it. :D

If you have any technical problems or issues, please feel free to ask here!

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