Wakka and Lulu Debate

Apr 03, 2006 18:54

Well my debate topic today regards Final Fantasy 10-2. Am I only the only one who finds the Wakka and Lulu relationship weird? I was playing Final Fantasy 10 last night and I just took quick note of the conversations that go on between Wakka and Lulu. I mean since when did Wakka like Lulu? Since when did Lulu like Wakka? I saw absolutely nothing in ( Read more... )

final fantasy 10, final fantasy 10-2, lulu, confusion, wakka, love

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Comments 21

heybitchmove April 4 2006, 01:58:54 UTC
Actually, Miguel, I'm afraid I might have to disagree with you a bit on that. I noticed a few parts in FFX where Wakka actually seemed really dissappointed whenever he displeased Lulu ( ... )


neo_rufus April 4 2006, 21:06:47 UTC
I see where you’re coming from. Now that you mention it, that relationship is very similar to the Bulma and Vegeta pairing in DBZ. Nobody was expecting that one, lol. I think Lulu had great respect with Auron as well and got along pretty good with him. Heh, Wakka practically worshiped him. :P

Very good summary you made in the end. I'll admit Lulu and Wakka do balance ach other out pretty well. It's like she lost her spunk that she had from FF X. Then again she is a mother now, plus she was tired from being pregnant and what not.

I wish that the game developed the background of that relationship a bit more, but we can look on the brightside...nice fan fiction stories. :)


neo_rufus April 4 2006, 21:13:49 UTC

It's ok to disagree, that's what makes debates even more interesting. :)


heybitchmove April 5 2006, 03:02:35 UTC
Yes, I totally agree that Lulu in FFX-2 was a little...spunkless. Lulu and Wakka are good together, but they should have given their relationship a little more developement, instead of springing it all on us at once.

I think the guys at Square wanted to focus more on Tidus and Yuna.


kylie_gmc April 4 2006, 02:03:00 UTC
FF10 spoilers... a given in a FF10-2 thread, but still ( ... )


neo_rufus April 4 2006, 21:13:35 UTC

I totally forgot about the touching and lovely comments that went on during the Blitz ball tournament. Then again, all of the characters in that game, besides Auron would do something like that every so often. lol. Final Fantasy X was so dramatic but awesome.

Your right, in a weird way Chappu's death did some what prolong the building of that relationship. In a sense the arguments those two had seemed to be a mutual display to prove "Chappu loved me best!" Lol. In the end it does some what makes sense for them to be together. Great points you made. :D

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gunblade_girl April 4 2006, 05:22:04 UTC
Concerning the Farplane conversation you mentioned: that's how girls work. If not all girls, well, that's how I do it. Lulu still hasn't gotten over Chappu's death - she just likes to hide it. I think that's how she works, she keeps her emotions inside of her, so she can't be hurt.

It's easier for her to say she's not interseted in Wakka than to have to deal with her feelings for him, when she still feels like she needs to be loyal to Chappu.

Also, when someone comes up to you and asks, "hey do you like this girl?" What would you say? Surely you wouldn't confess your feelings - especially if it was someone you don't know well, such as Tidus.

I've never played ffx-2, thus I don't know anything about their relationship (way to ruin it for me :P), but I can definitely see it happening.


x_shock_me_x April 4 2006, 10:21:38 UTC
even if you havent played it, you're not missing much imo. I didnt think that musch of it at all, although I did like the battle system.


nosignalinput April 4 2006, 15:51:34 UTC
Still, a spoiler warning would have been nice :-)


neo_rufus April 4 2006, 21:18:37 UTC
In that case, I like the way you girls work even more now. :D

I see this kind of situation in shows all the time. After somebody losses a loved one, they sometimes feel they can't date again because they feel that they are cheating on them. Not that I blame the individual for feeling that way, it's totally understandable.

Very true, I wouldn't confess my feelings for her just like that. I guess Lulu enjoys being complicated at times, heh I know I do. Lol.

Trust me; you didn't miss much not playing it. ;)


x_shock_me_x April 4 2006, 10:10:22 UTC
I have to say whilst playing FFX I thought they might get together. When they were griping at each other, I saw it more as "married couple" than dislike. I think she probably also felt bad coz it was Chappu's brother and obviously she maybe felt like it was a bit of an insult to him to go with his brother after he died. And as has already been said, after the blitzball match with "you really...gave it your all" and she hugs him. When I was playing X, before I knew X-2 even existed (X was the game that got me into final fantasy so I really didnt know anything about the other games) I said "I bet they get together in the end" then when I got into X-2 I was like "omg I was actually right!!!"

But, I'm not a big fan of X-2 anyway, I just played it coz it was Final Fantasy.


neo_rufus April 4 2006, 21:23:03 UTC
Your girls are so perceptive when it comes to predicting relationships; either that or I'm naive. :p Still, that's a very great quality to have. I'll be honest; I would have never dreamed they would hook up. I always thought of Lulu as the kind of woman who would not even bother to get involved in love. I always saw her as the type to remain single to guide and protect Yuna. Heh, was I wrong. :p


x_shock_me_x April 5 2006, 19:59:55 UTC
I always know when people are going to date, my friends hate me for it, especially when I see them and just go "oh my god you got laid!"


nosignalinput April 4 2006, 15:49:09 UTC
I can't comment on your entry right now, but I don't want to seem harsh here.

Didn't we say we'd post these types of entries with spolier warnings Miguel?

I thought we agreed on the rules :p

If we're going to have rules and the community maintainer doesn't follow them then who will?

Sorry, you probably just forgot, but I really think you should post a spolier warning and possibly put the conversation bit under a cut. I haven't played X-2 either (I'm still playing through X) so I was a tad confused when reading that.

Anyway, just a heads up!


neo_rufus April 4 2006, 20:57:53 UTC
I can't believe I broke our own rules. Shameful or what.

We did agree and I am sorry I broke it. :(

I'll be more considerate in the future. Promise.


heybitchmove April 5 2006, 03:13:18 UTC
It's kind of hard to find any info about FFX or FFX-2 without learning that Wakka and Lulu ended up together. Several magazines spilled the beans over a year before X-2 was even released. Now THEY really need to get some spoiler warnings on those things...

Anyway, Wakka and Lulu have little/no influence whatsoever on the storyline of X-2 and they're present for a grand total of maybe 10 minutes. So, they're isn't much of the game being spoiled. However, were this thread related to pretty much any other aspect of X-2, spoiler-warnings are a must-have. I'll nag on Miguel next time he doesn't put one up.

*Shakes finger at Miggz* Shame, Shame...


neo_rufus April 5 2006, 14:56:15 UTC
I won't let you guys down this time. Thank you for forgiving me for my mistake. In fact my next entry today is a about Final Fantasy X so I'll be sure to post the entry under a lj-cut with a spoiler warning. ;)


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