Well, as I promised…I made my very own Rufus Shinra review. The entry below the lj-cut will discuss my opinions about his scene in Dirge Of Cerberus, what he was doing during the 2 years before Advent Children and why he uses the wheelchair. I know this topic has been brought up quite a bit, but this entry is somewhat of a closure for me about this
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Comments 23
Otherwise, awesome job, and I apologize if I misunderstood something. I've been known to do that. XP
Thanks for the comment, it means allot. I feel as though I connect very well with Rufus Shinra, despite the fact that he isn't a really developed/all is known about him kind of character.
I do miss him flicking his hair allot. I’m not sure he got over the habit; maybe he didn’t do it because of the camera time. But I think it would have been cool if he flicked it just before he threw Jenova’s box out of the building. But if he did get over it, then that’s a good thing I suppose.
By the way, may I use your icon for this community's info page? I think it would look cool. I thought I'd better ask first. ;)
I did give you credit...but I should have asked first. I'll take it out, it's ok. :)
But you do have some awesome icon making skills. ;)
But yeah.. movie icons take a LOOOONG ass time to make, I don't do it often, and that one I made for my own journal T.T
I can make you one if you like, as a belated birthday present. I'll make it look cool *nod*
You would make me one, really? Wow, thanks! :D You just take your time; after all, you are doing me a favor.
Thanks, friend. :)
I don't think he was president for only a month, I think it was a lot longer than that because AVALANCHE travelled all over the world since he became president. Also, after Aerith dies, Cloud says later in the game "on that day" referring to her death, and most people I know don't say that unless it was a while ago.
Was there an official quote that said Rufus was only president for a month before the end of the game? Because that seems like a really short time to be chasing Sephiroth (I mean, the boat from Junon to Costa would have been at least a week or something!) all over the world, getting involved with Jenova and having Meteor show up (which was in the sky for ages before the line Cid or whoever came up saying it'd hit in seven days and they'd better go visit their hometowns one last time).
(FF6 has at least 1 1/2 - two years in it's storyline, because there's a big gap :P)
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