Pharao's “beard” - and POTURU lip piercing of Zo'é tribe in Amazonia / “борода” фараонов

Oct 13, 2021 01:50

The “beard” sticking out of the Egyptian pharaohs' chins (including the artificial beard of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut) is strikingly reminiscent of poturu, a cone-shaped “lip plug” made of bone or wood and inserted through the lower lip of everyone in a small Amazonian Indian tribe (self-name: Zo'é - 'we','us'- as opposed to non-Indians, ( Read more... )

geography, География, Ностратическая гипотеза, Гипотеза палеоконтакта, Имена, nostratic languages hypothesis is alive, names, paleocontact hypotheis, history

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Comments 5

new_etymology April 29 2020, 10:22:22 UTC
И вот ещё пример:

The CURUPIRA is a mythological demonic creature of Brazilian folklore, the evil spirit of the forest.
According to the cultural legends, this creature has bright red/orange hair, and resembles a man or a dwarf, but its feet are turned backwards. Curupira lives in the forests of Brazil and uses its backward feet to create footprints that lead to its starting point, thus making hunters confused. Curupira can also create illusions and produce a sound that's like a high pitched whistle, in order to scare and drive its victim to madness.
The name comes from the Tupi language kuru'pir, The name allegedly meant "covered in blisters" [doubtful]. Compare to KURI PIRU (Est., Fin.) - evil spirit, literally.

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new_etymology May 23 2020, 18:20:24 UTC

= PODER (порт., исп.), POTERE (ит.) - "сила, власть".


PÕDER lettland8 March 6 2024, 07:33:28 UTC
PÕDER - tal on lõua all selline lott - poturu?
MÄGER - uuristab oma urgusid maa sisse kõrgematel kohtadel


ТАБАК new_etymology February 5 2021, 08:27:09 UTC
тхьамка, тхамк (ингуш.) - табак; тхьамка оза (ингуш.) - курить; тхьамма(д) - курение, воскурение в честь богов.
тәмәке (тат., башкир.), тамоку (тадж.), тамеки (кирг.), темекі (каз.) - табак;
тамхи (монг.) - табак;
तमाखु [tamākhuḥ] (cанскр.) - табак;
tembakau [тембакау] (индонез.) - табак;
담배 [dombae] (корейск.) - табак.

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САПОГИ, ТАПКИ, ЛАПТИ, ЛАСТЫ, ЛЫЖИ, ШТИБЛЕТЫ, ТУФЛИ, БОТЫ, livejournal March 14 2021, 01:25:12 UTC
Пользователь vitruvianus_9 сослался на вашу запись в своей записи « САПОГИ, ТАПКИ, ЛАПТИ, ЛАСТЫ, ЛЫЖИ, ШТИБЛЕТЫ, ТУФЛИ, БОТЫ, КОНЬКИ 2.» в контексте: [...] batuk (уйгурск.) - сильный, крепкий.  См. [...]


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