Frequently asked questions

Jan 24, 2010 17:29

We've provided a list of frequently asked questions. Hopefully they'll all be answered here, but if not leave a comment and the mods will do our best to provide answers!

What’s a Big Bang?

This particular usage traces back to 2006, when some folks in the Harry/Draco corner of fandom invited a handful of authors to create H/D novels of at least 50,000 words. Since then, the idea has been adapted to various other pairings, fandoms, and characters. This one is centered on Neville Longbottom, so all fics should be stories about him.

Will you allow extensions?

Authors will have four months to complete this challenge. Considering the minimum fic-length requirement is only 10,000 words, that amounts to less than 100 words per day. If you don't think this is a doable pace, then this challenge is not for you. That said, we will not be allowing extensions. If your computer crashes the day before you were planning to submit your story, or some other similar event, email us and we'll talk.

My story is only 9700 words. Is that acceptable?

Because Neville Big Bang is already on a shorter timeline than other Big Bangs, the mods decided to lower the word count to 10,000 words to make things easier for our writers to meet the first deadline. Therefore, we cannot accept anything less than 10,000 words.

Is there a maximum word count?

No. We only ask that your story be at least 10,000 words and complete.

I only write het pairings. Or, I only write slash pairings. Or, I only write gen. Can I still participate?

Absolutely! Neville Big Bang is open to het, slash, and gen, threesomes and moresomes, of any rating. The only requirement is that Neville be the focus of the story if gen, or one half of a pairing if it’s het or slash, or one third of a threesome focusing on him. Crossovers are also allowed for this challenge.

How should my fic be formatted?

Note that this implies that you need to format your own fic.

The fic MUST be sent as an attachment, NOT in the body of an email.

All italicized, bolded, and centered text must be coded using html. For a brief primer, go here.

DO NOT use Word HTML, which saves your word file as an HTML document.

The most time-consuming formatting issue to deal with is the use of the return key, or the enter key. All paragraphs must have a HARD RETURN between them. In other words, there should be a line where a cursor will go between each paragraph. The cursor should not skip from the end of one paragraph straight to the start of the next.

If any of these conditions are not met, we WILL return your fic and ask you to fix it.

What types of files will you accept?

For stories, we will accept .txt, .rtf, and .doc files. Not everyone has Word 2007, so please save all files in an acceptable format.

For art, we will accept .pdf, .jpeg, .gif, and any other valid file types. We will add more to this list as we become aware of them.

Do I have to use a beta?

The short answer is yes. If you've never used a beta before and don't have one, we will assign someone to work with you. You should know that betas do more than simply look at grammar and punctuation. Your beta will check for plot consistency, characterization, and anything he or she feels is important.

Face it, no matter how good of a writer you are, you WILL miss things. It's certainly nothing to be ashamed of-published authors have editors (well, most of them, anyway!) who do the same exact thing. Betas look out for grammar, punctuation, style, and characterization-to name a few of their many talents. They will help you polish your story and get it ready for the final archive.

What you do with your beta's suggestions is up to you, but know that the mods will be reading through all the stories and we will return a fic if it has major grammar, style, plot/characterization issues and ask you to correct them.

I can’t write or draw. Can I still participate? How?

Absolutely! You are welcome to join as a cheerleader or a beta. As a cheerleader, you'll be assigned to an author to … (drumroll) … cheer them on! What you do will depend on your author, but you may be asked to help brainstorm, work through plot ideas, and just basically help lift their spirits when they're down.

A beta is someone who reads over the story and looks for mistakes. If you want to help an author in this capacity, you'll be assigned to an author who requests a beta from us. He or she may send you the story in pieces as it's written, or all at once when it's complete. You and your author can discuss how you would prefer to work together.

If those roles don't quite suit you, then you can always help us PIMP this challenge and help us get the word out about the Neville Big Bang!

Can I collaborate with another participant?

You MAY write a story with another author. All of the same rules and deadlines apply. You MAY NOT work with an artist from the start.

Can I work on more than one project?

We admire your dedication! However, ALL of the same rules and deadlines apply.

Why does Neville have to be present in every piece of fanart?

This IS the Neville Big Bang, isn’t it? It’s all about sharing and spreading the love for our favourite Gryffindor!

faqs, !modpost

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