(no subject)

Nov 18, 2011 16:33

There was a short period of time during which A-Team prompts were running rampant over a footballkink2, and ever since I've been trying to write this. It's finally done! (Before my fifteen page paper. dealwithit.gif.)

Title: So Right
Pairing: Alvaro Arbeloa/Raul Albiol
Rating: NC17
Words: 2,014
Summary: Raul Albiol is nicknamed El Chori (this in and of itself is fic-worthy) and Alvaro Arbeloa is a lucky bastard. This is essentially two thousands words of cockworship. (Prompt here.)

Raul snores. Not loudly, but loud enough. When they room together Alvaro's able to ignore it, because their beds are far enough apart that he can press his pillow over his head and drown it out.

It's a different story when Raul's sniffling, choking mouth is right next to his ear.

At least he isn't drooling, Alvaro thinks. He imagines Raul's spit dripping down his neck and shudders - partly because that's gross, but partly because that wouldn't be the grossest thing they've done.

Even though Raul's snorts and chokes and whines wake him up a few times, Alvaro sleeps comfortably in Raul's arms. He likes feeling small with Raul around him. It's new and if it's always this warm, he thinks he's going to like it.

When he showers the next morning and Raul mumbles, "Don't use all the hot water," as Alvaro tries to slip out of bed, he leaves the bathroom door open.


They shuffle down to breakfast - Alvaro thinks pretending to be a morning person is worse than actually being a morning person - and Raul heads straight for the buffet. Alvaro kind of smiles when he spends too much time poking at the eggs and even longer picking out the perfect banana. Alvaro heads for the tables - "I feel like I'm going to puke," he would end up whining to Raul if he eats before training; "You bring this upon yourself" is the response he always gets, with a curt little shrug - and slides into a chair. He looks over his shoulder and laughs to himself as Raul looks back and forth between two muffins, trying to figure out which is blueberry and which is chocolate chip. Every time.

"What happened?" Xabi asks as soon as he sits down.

Alvaro narrows his eyes. "What?"

"You're looking at him differently," Xabi tells him introspectively, jerking his head towards Raul. He's moved on to shoving a bagel into the too-small toaster. "You're looking into him."

"You got laid, didn't you?" Pepe asks, mouth full of cereal. Iker drops his fork.

"Fuck." Alvaro throws his head back, a blush heating his face. "It was - I can't. It was so ... " he trails off, staring at the ceiling.

"Don't pretend you weren't ready for that question, asshole," Sergio all but shouts.

"It was glorious. He had me - "

Iker lifts a hand. "This isn't exactly breakfast conversation."

"I know, I know. It's just." He searches for the words. "God, he's huge."

The table goes quiet. Everyone keeps eating, but all eyes are on Alvaro. Iker moves his eggs around on his plate, but they all know he's listening.

"Try to keep it PG for Grandpa over here," Pepe chides, pointing to Iker.

Alvaro grabs a piece of toast from Xabi's plate to fiddle with, ripping the crust off with his hands. "It's just - I've never been with someone that big."

"Stop touching my food," Xabi says.

"How many times did you do it?" Pepe asks.

"Pepe, Jesus Christ," Iker whines.

"I said 'it!'" Pepe defends. "That's PG."

"Twice," Alvaro says, anything but sheepish. He crushes the bread to nothing, crumbs coating the table. "And the second time he had me up against the wall - "

"Some of us are eating," Sergio says dryly.

Xabi stands up. "I'll go make more toast."

Alvaro brushes his mess off the table and onto the floor. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Raul approaching with two plates. A cup is crushed in the crook of his arm, milk dripping down his elbow. He nods cheerily as he passes Xabi.

"In the showers," he says quickly. "Just look."

Iker rolls his eyes. "Gross, Alvaro."

"Are you gonna tell the mister you're too sore to run 'cause one of your teammates fucked you up the ass last night?" Pepe asks with a straight face.

"Oh my god," Iker heaves. "I'm leaving."

Raul sits down next to Alvaro and elbows him lightly. "'Morning."

Alvaro smiles. The blush creeps up his neck again. "Hey."

Raul shoves a piece of muffin into his mouth, and Sergio smiles into his plate.


The first one he catches looking - irony be damned - is Iker. Raul is toweling off and Alvaro watches Iker glance over and quickly drop his eyes, embarrassingly curious. Alvaro almost laughs at the scandalized look on Iker's face when Alvaro catches him. Iker has a coughing fit when Raul bends down grab something from the depths of his locker, ass in the air, cock swinging freely. Alvaro wipes his brow, feeling a little overheated. Iker coughs again.

He gets a text from Pepe - "i see why ur sore" - and looks around; Pepe just winks from across the room.

At one point even Villa is staring, and when he catches Alvaro's eye he smirks a little, nods. He leans toward Silva and whispers something that makes Silva elbow him in the ribs.

Pique wordlessly claps him on the back as they walk out to the bus, grinning widely. Cesc winks too.

Xabi glides up next to Alvaro after they pass. "How is he?"

Alvaro hears Pepe and Raul yelling behind them, so he has time to whisper, "He looks happy."

"No, I mean - how is he?" he asks, and Alvaro isn't sure if he's imagining it, but Xabi's voice sounds strained. For a second he doesn't understand what Xabi is asking, but when he sees the heat in Xabi's eyes, a lightning strike of realization hits him.

Alvaro smirks and says quietly, "He fucked me into the wall so hard, I have a bruise on my back from the light switch."

Xabi smirks back secretively. Alvaro thinks it's a bit appreciative, too.

Raul is still scaling the steps of the bus with Pepe at his back, pulling at his shirt and yelling and joking and being Pepe, when Sergio leans over the seat and whispers, "He is seriously packing."

Iker slams Sergio on the back because Iker is embarrassed when conversation turns to anything that even vaguely has to do with sexual organs, but Sergio just says, "Don't tell me it's not true," and Iker relents, kind of laughing but mostly turning bright red. Iker pulls Sergio down next to him and tells him to shut up and Alvaro almost says something like, Don't pretend you haven't seen Ramos's penis up close and personal, Grandpa, but he thinks better of it.

"El Chori," Sergio mumbles, sitting back. "Lucky bastard."

And then it's Alvaro's turn to laugh.


The next day, Alvaro kicks in the bathroom door when Raul's half dressed and Raul shouts, "Jesus!" He's wearing his boxers and has his shirt pulled halfway up his arms.

"You know what Sergio called you?" Alvaro asks with a smile.

"I don't think I wanna know," Raul tells him, starting to pull his shirt over his head, ruffling his hair. He's shaking his head. Alvaro gets really close, stops him before he covers his chest.

"El Chori," he whispers, and without warning he reaches between Raul's legs.

Raul breathes in sharply through his nose, eyes wide. "Is that why he was looking at me like that?"

Alvaro smirks. Raul is warm in his hand.

He dips a hand into Raul's underwear and wraps his hand around his length, pulling gently. "It's because of this," Alvaro hums.

"God," Raul whines. He pushes Alvaro's hand away, pulls his underwear down. Unwraps his shirt from around his neck. Alvaro leans in to kiss him softly.

There's a comfortableness about being mostly naked with Raul in their hotel bathroom - not the showers, not the locker room - that's wholly new to Alvaro. It's another thing that's new between them, but it almost feels old, like they were ready for it but didn't quite know how to get there. Like this feeling was waiting, under layers of blankets and clothes, ready for them to discover.

It has something to do with Raul being the second speed dial on Alvaro's phone (Raul had changed it as a joke one day but Alvaro left it, and the first is just his voicemail) and the way they don't sit with anyone but each other on buses or planes. It also has something to do with Raul defending him when Sergio makes fun of him wearing his sunglasses indoors or when he knows that he'll be the first one the trainers call from the hospital when Raul lets - lets, because Raul is too nice, too kind, maybe even too stupid sometimes - Llorente take him out in training. Just laughs when Alvaro offers to fuck him up.

But it's still new and a little tentative until Alvaro says quietly against Raul lips, "Hey. Fuck me."

Raul gets his hand under Alvaro's knee and pulls his leg up against his side. "C'mon," he says, backing Alvaro against the sink. He's thick and hard against Alvaro's thigh.

"God, fuck," Alvaro chokes out as Raul attaches his mouth to the taut skin below his ear.

Raul's other hand is reaching back to Alvaro's ass, pressing against him gently. "If you had you whispering, 'Fuck me,' in your ear, you'd be eager too."

"That was really confusing."

Raul ignores him and lifts Alvaro's leg even higher. "Lean back."

Raul thrusts so hard that Alvaro ends up on his tippy toes, Raul jerking his feet off the ground with the ferociousness of his movements. When he hears things falling in the medicine cabinet behind his head Alvaro leans in, pressing his forehead to Raul's. They don't kiss but Raul is breathing hard through his mouth, their lips brushing haphazardly.

Alvaro feels so stretched with Raul inside him that he almost can't breathe. He whispers, "Fuck," and "El Chori" and "more, more" a few times, and Raul is very obliging. He has to hold his breath when Raul is deepest, his insides glowing with heat as he comes with his cock rubbing against Raul's stomach. But he doesn't - can't - relax, because Raul is still fucking him with something more than halfway to reckless abandon, deeper inside of him than anything Alvaro has ever felt before.

Raul starts to look tired too, his eyes glazing over and his hand slipping from under Alvaro's thigh. Alvaro's muscles are already in a post-fuck haze, clenching achingly as Raul continues. If Raul doesn't come soon, Alvaro might pass out. "El Chori with this huge fucking cock," Alvaro whispers, hoping to kickstart things, and Raul moans. "C'mon Chori. El Chori. Fuck me harder - harder," and Alvaro whines as Raul presses into him deeply. "That beautiful fucking cock, c'mon," and then Raul is fucking him through his own orgasm, silent and strong, hot breath falling against Alvaro's lips.

After, still slumped against the sink, heads still together, Alvaro finds the strength to mumble, "I care about you."

Raul smiles sheepishly. "I care about you too."

"I was talking about your cock."

Raul rolls his eyes, but Alvaro is too close to see. "You're awful."

Alvaro leans into Raul's neck, and after a second he says, "You're beautiful," and when Raul snorts, he finishes, "and I don't just mean your cock."

Raul pulls him back by the hair and kisses him full on the mouth. When they pull away, Alvaro just stares at him, smiling softly.

"So does everyone know?" Raul asks after a minute, scratching his stomach. Alvaro pulls away and as Raul slips out of him, he feels emptier, but not less whole. Still warm.

"Yeah." Alvaro feels something tickling his leg and he looks down to see a trail of Raul's come dripping along his thigh. Much grosser than drool, he thinks.

Raul uses a piece of toilet paper to clean them up. "I thought I'd be mad, but I'm okay with it. Everyone knowing."

Alvaro smiles, his face feeling hot again. "Me too. And you got a pretty good nickname out of it."

Raul laughs. "I totally did." His face quickly goes blank. "Is that why Gonzalo sent me a picture of a sausage this morning?"

Alvaro ignores him and says, "I'm going to take a shower," but he closes the door because Raul's already there with him.

fandom: la liga, char.: raul albiol, team: hala madrid, char.: alvaro arbeloa

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