Title: "Squirrel Guts"
Status: OneShot; complete
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Daryl Dixon, Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Shane Walsh
Disclaimer: The Walking Dead belongs to AMC and Robert Kirkman; not mine, no money.
Rating: T
Genre: AU, Season 1, friendship/family, spoiler-free
Warnings: unbeta'ed, language
Summary: You can't read the
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Comments 10
Thank you! :) For some weird reason, writing in Daryl's POV is much easier than anyone else's from the show. I made the mistake of venturing over to the twd_kinkmeme, and though I stay away from the kinky stuff, I have now filled three prompts and might do some more ^.^
I just love this show! I got the second season last week on DVD (finally!) and I'm keeping track of the new episodes. - I will probably buy the comic from my Christmas money, too :)
I love TWD tho-the effects make Romero proud, im sure! Esp that now-iconic well scene--that was AWESOME! XD
You are welcome! You do a damn fine job writing him-maybe because he has a bit more realistic depth to him? Everyone else seems pretty shallow, really.
Havent read the comic yet, hope to soon tho.
The well scene was very eww! °-°" Cool, though, and T-Dog was so right "Good that we didn't do something ridiculous like shooting him" LOL I wouldn't have used that water anyway, not for crops and certainly not for my morning tea *shudders*
The effects are great, but I like the characters more. Funny that you would say that Daryl isn't as shallow a character as the others - on the kinkmeme, he is pretty hated (because he's not from the comics and a 'superhero') and I can't really agree with you; every character has remarkable depth to them, imho. - Or did you mean me and writing the others?
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