Title: "Fading" Status: Ficlet; complete Fandom: Supernatural Characters: Nick, Lucifer Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and CW. Rating: K Warnings: unbeta'ed Summary: When you say "yes"...
Thanks! I've got no clue where those two little ones came from but I'm glad they did... *hm* Although maybe I should worry that my text's get shorter and shorter...?
Next up will be a little something about the Master/Doctor relationship from Doctor Who, to ease me into the fandom. I'm totally obsessed as it is ^o^
Oh, Nick! *cuddles* I wish SPN had explored more of this character.
Nicely done in such a small amount of words!
(also, regarding above comment: I stumbled across some interviews with the actors who play the Doctor, Jack Harness and Ianto Jones recently, and I think I'm being sucked into Doctor Who and Torchwood purely because of how aesthically pretty the men are o.O I'm trying so hard to resist because I don't need to adopt more fandoms; I have enough as it is! >.<)
I love discovering new fandoms! Like you said, it's so much fun to scour the internet for stuff, but I have a bad habit of getting completely sucked into them for several months at least, and getting all sorts of ideas for fics. It eats up my concentration and it has a bad impact on my real life, when I read and write fics instead of studying and completing assignments. I'm trying to hold out for another two months or so until my exams are over >.I know who the characters are, but not their personalities or how the chemistry on the show is like since I haven't watched any episodes. So I can't really say one way or another which characters I like. But David Tennant is absolutely lovely; I've been watching a ton of his interviews and I'm in love with his Scottish accent
( ... )
I cross my fingers for you that you manage to hold out until then! But your description had me LOL in shock - it's a bit scary, to have your own attitude about fangirling over new fandoms reflected 1:1 °-° I'm really just the same; between the two of us? Only reason I work at all is to cover all my hobby related bills *giggles*
The Master/Doctor Foe Yay chemestry got it's own page (!) on TV Tropes, which speaks for itself, I think °-° Tennant is a cupcake, no doubt about it! But accent, really? I don't know whats wrong with me, but I just don't hear accents at all, not consciously. I totally fail at that with Thaz and Crowley too, although the fangirls squee about it like crazy T-T (But at least my sexy radar doesn't fail me *snerk*).
I'm not (yet?) into Torchwood. I have not seen any episodes and don't really like Jack or Ianto - as far as I have seen them on DW - although the canon gay couple thingy should be a great selling point... Guess I'm weird like that, too ^.^
Well, we must celebrate good times while we have them! ^o^
Comments 6
Next up will be a little something about the Master/Doctor relationship from Doctor Who, to ease me into the fandom. I'm totally obsessed as it is ^o^
Nicely done in such a small amount of words!
(also, regarding above comment: I stumbled across some interviews with the actors who play the Doctor, Jack Harness and Ianto Jones recently, and I think I'm being sucked into Doctor Who and Torchwood purely because of how aesthically pretty the men are o.O I'm trying so hard to resist because I don't need to adopt more fandoms; I have enough as it is! >.<)
The Master/Doctor Foe Yay chemestry got it's own page (!) on TV Tropes, which speaks for itself, I think °-° Tennant is a cupcake, no doubt about it!
But accent, really? I don't know whats wrong with me, but I just don't hear accents at all, not consciously. I totally fail at that with Thaz and Crowley too, although the fangirls squee about it like crazy T-T (But at least my sexy radar doesn't fail me *snerk*).
I'm not (yet?) into Torchwood. I have not seen any episodes and don't really like Jack or Ianto - as far as I have seen them on DW - although the canon gay couple thingy should be a great selling point... Guess I'm weird like that, too ^.^
Well, we must celebrate good times while we have them! ^o^
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