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Comments 85

b3auty_qu33n January 15 2004, 00:04:50 UTC
Me! Me! Add me! Oh wait... I have already been added. Heh.


neverletgo January 15 2004, 21:43:51 UTC
Of course you have. :P

Xs & Os,
Lindsay (http://www.hidden-beauty.net/lindsay/)


b3auty_qu33n January 15 2004, 00:05:25 UTC
Your journal layout is beautiful, btw. I need a paid account sooo sooo sooo bad. *LOL*


neverletgo January 15 2004, 21:46:09 UTC
Thank you! *HUGS* If I had the moolah, I would definitely get you one! I know you don't have a job and everything, but if you ever have a few spare dollars, a paid account is what you should use it on! Unless you like, have no food or something. :P

Xs & Os,
Lindsay (http://www.hidden-beauty.net/lindsay/)


obnoxiousfem January 28 2004, 07:44:26 UTC
Someone needs to convince me to get a paid account. . . But I think the only-three icons did it for me. I will purchase one at some point. . . even though I already have a purchased domain. o_O Help me.


neverletgo January 28 2004, 22:09:11 UTC
I'd get ya one too! Heck, I'd buy one for all of my good friends if I had the dough! :P

But seriously, the $5 for 2 months is totally worth it! That way if you decide you're bored with it or whatever, you're not wasting TOO much money!

Xs & Os,
Lindsay (http://www.hidden-beauty.net/lindsay/)


between January 15 2004, 03:05:08 UTC
me :) I'm your friend!!!!!! <3


neverletgo January 15 2004, 21:47:08 UTC
You were already on the list, Laur! :P You know I love you!

Xs & Os,
Lindsay (http://www.hidden-beauty.net/lindsay/)


jamz January 15 2004, 07:01:36 UTC
Please add me?


neverletgo January 15 2004, 21:48:04 UTC
Done, Jamie! :D

Xs & Os,
Lindsay (http://www.hidden-beauty.net/lindsay/)


jerebear January 15 2004, 12:53:55 UTC
Oohh wow your journal is lovely! :-)


neverletgo January 15 2004, 21:49:52 UTC
Awww . . . thank you, Jeremy! *TEXAS SIZED HUGS* :P

Xs & Os,
Lindsay (http://www.hidden-beauty.net/lindsay/)


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