FIC| Being Human; Welcome To The Living

Jan 25, 2011 05:34

title; welcome to the living
author; everindelible
fandom; being human (aidan/josh)
pg-13; drabble; ep 1 spoilers (?)
summary; the morning after, aidan helps josh. (i wish this was as dirty as that sounds.)

Aidan opens the door to the room (the "cage", Josh quietly calls it) when the sun is just lighting the hallway through the dull, dusty windows.

He doesn't bother calling out--Aidan can hear the steady inhale, exhale and it's slow enough that he knows Josh is asleep before he spots him. Josh is curled under the shattered remains of an office desk, one well-gnawed wooden leg clutched between his arms and splinters everywhere.

Aidan drops the spare set of clothes at the door and hopes he won't need to use the tweezers again.

"Josh." Trying to extract the desk leg proves useless, so Aidan goes for one lightly freckled shoulder instead, "Get up, Josh."

Something about being in this room ("inside", Josh insists) on the full moon makes the morning after process ten times worse, according to Josh. He's always groggy, slow to rise. Aidan takes full advantage of the free show, but if he lets himself think about it, the shaky confusion Josh displays after waking is a little disconcerting.

Josh lets out a weak moan as is eyes slit open against the sun coming in through the open doorway.

"Hey," Aidan shifts some the desk debris off Josh's bare legs, "Welcome to the living."

"You're not living," Josh whispers, still clinging to his desk leg.

"I think I'm doing better than you are at the moment."

Josh rolls over onto his back and really, that's quite an eyeful, Aidan thinks. "Did I murder a desk?"

"Yes," said Aidan, already clearing away the scary steak-like splinters, "Will you surrender that desk leg or is it a souvenir?"

Josh doesn't hand it over--it's more like he loses control of his arm muscles, resulting in a flopping kind of motion which leads to the desk piece rolling to a stop at Aidan's feet.


"Good boy."

it all started here

&fic; all, length; short, pairing; aidan/josh, fandom; being human, rating; pg-13

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