doppelganger44BANNER BY:
foreverbmTIMELINE: AU; about 14 years post-513.
LENGTH: 5200 words, 52 drabbles.
WARNING: R - barebacking, language. Angst.
A/N: To those who replied to my "question" post THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT. And to some of you who reads "NO BOUNDARIES", update will be coming up soon. Please enjoy! Feedback will be greatly appreciated.
SUMMARY: Gus met a handsome man named Brandon who he did not know was part of his father’s dark past. He fell in love with the man who had nothing but wicked intentions…
Link to new installment/drabbles (190-241):
http://doppelgangerqaf.livejournal.com/12583.html Links to the previous drabbles:
http://doppelgangerqaf.livejournal.com/9825.html#cutid1 (1-9)
http://doppelgangerqaf.livejournal.com/10465.html#cutid1 (10-21)
http://doppelgangerqaf.livejournal.com/10809.html#cutid1 (22-39)
http://doppelgangerqaf.livejournal.com/11248.html#cutid1 (40-67)
http://doppelgangerqaf.livejournal.com/11707.html#cutid1 (68-109)
http://doppelgangerqaf.livejournal.com/12029.html#cutid1 (110-151)
http://doppelgangerqaf.livejournal.com/12539.html#cutid1 (152-189)