[Video on, still in the streets. The Master's lost his jumper somewhere and he's down to a white dress shirt that really isn't that white anymore. It's spattered with blood, as are his trousers, if less noticeably and both of them are torn in various places. The Master himself is a bit wild-eyed.]
Can you contain everyone? Can you hunt down them all
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[This is the sound of Lucy letting her forehead hit the table in a literal head-tablet]
There is not enough ice cream in the freezer for this. There is not enough ice cream in the City for this.
I'll see if anyone has a cure.
Will they hear the drums, Lucy? Will they know?
[She sighs and her sympathy can literally be heard]
Okay. Listen to me, not the drums. Kay? So this summer I'm going to miss the whole going down to Charleston thing we do. Momma has an aunt there with a house on the river. I spend the whole summer out by the river and usually get all sunburnt and peeling. Momma makes me soak in a bath tub full of buttermilk. It's supposed to make my skin white and smooth again. I don't know if it works or not but I smell like a dairy when we're done. Not a pleasant smell. I think I'm gonna kind of miss smelling like a dairy this summer. [She'll just ramble at him until he tells her to stop.]
I'm just going to do it from your apartment.
Because it's safe.
And I won't let you in when you knock.
There should be a code. For when you're feeling better.
Although we probably shouldn't think them up while you're crazy.
Alright then you're locked out until you can prove for an extended period of time that you're not crazy. Or at the very least you won't hurt me.
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