a reaction post that is actually hardly at all about Star Trek: Into Darkness

Jun 26, 2013 21:41

I am at a conference! It is very tiring. Let me talk about Star Trek instead.

I saw this on Monday with my brother and two of his friends. I didn't like it that much!

under a cut - slight spoilers, mostly not!fic )

misc film

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Comments 5

*searches vainly to see if I have a Trek icon; don't; settle for B-5 icon instead* narwhale_callin June 27 2013, 03:47:14 UTC
...What is this "Stark Trek" you speak of? (re: title - apparently Tony Stark has Charlemagned your keyboard, uh oh.)

Also I really like the movie you actually have wanted because AWESOME YES AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND UNPREDICTABLE AU TWIST YAY.

I was rather lukewarm with the movie, too, when I saw it. I mostly didn't like it because I could predict everything that was going to happen before it happened. And it was way too remake-y and not enough "let's twist this into our own thing!"

As for me, the movie I was hoping to see was where Trek crew actually teams up with Khan and then there is Rebels in Space AU as they fight/flee from corrupt Starfleet. Which, well, was a bit like that, but I wanted them to go the full mile with it. But I definitely like yours a lot too; it's quite a lot more in character than mine. XD

Also yet again not nearly enough Dr. McCoy. He is so underused. T_T

Anyway, that is the movie I want. Or the fic I want to write. Unless someone has written that, please tell me if someone has already ( ... )


Re: *searches vainly to see if I have a Trek icon; don't; settle for B-5 icon instead* neveralarch June 30 2013, 03:01:17 UTC
Idk what you're talking about, man, the title has always said Star Trek... always...

I just got totally knocked out of the movie by how annoyed I was with JJ Abrams, haha. It's the kind of pretty action movie I usually like, but I just couldn't sustain my normally non-judgey movie watching when I was already judging it so hard. But I agree with you that it needed more McCoy! Everything needs more Bones.

I maaaay write this, I'm not sure - I'm not into much Trek fic either. We'll see!


(The comment has been removed)

neveralarch June 30 2013, 03:04:27 UTC
AGH KIRK. I was KIND OF on his side with the volcano thing, but not on falsifying reports, and definitely not when he assaulted Cumberbatch after the dude had already surrendered. It made sense to me when he was like 'dude I don't know what I'm doing, Spock, you go be captain while I risk my life bravely' but since the narrative rewarded that with giving him the captain's chair back- idk. I didn't get it.

AND YES, I expected SOME teamwork time before they offed Pike. I was so unhappy (obviously, haha). We'll see if I actually write this - I want to, but I don't usually go for Trek fic...


ikel89 June 27 2013, 11:17:18 UTC
I'm not really in ST fandom - I've only seen the two new movies, but GAWD does your take on it make a lot of sense! :D


neveralarch June 30 2013, 03:05:17 UTC
Aha, I am hardly into Trek at all either - maybe I will actually write this, just to get it out of my system...


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