I just realized that I know jack-shit about pregnancy except for what I've halfheartedly looked up on the internet. I graduated highschool and am about to go into college. There are girls younger than me who are pregnant, and I doubt they're getting any more information than I am.
My point is pretty much that sex ed in this state--and probably the
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We had sex-ed where abstinence wasn't even mentioned, but I learned most from all the pregnancy books my mum has lying around. lol
I was fascinated by the pictures as a child in that slightly ashamed way to even be looking at such things. pfft
Lol, well, I didn't have access to books, so I did one better and wiggled my way into friendships with all the boys living around my house and...yeah. I was a strange and perverse child.
Also, your little comments about seeing things and all that...You're terrifying me XD I frighten very easily, and I tend to see and hear things too. Don't overthink it, it makes it worse!
Lol, I'm sorry? It makes me feel better to share it. The worst part is, I was reading /x/--4chan's paranormal board, if you don't know--so instead of just chalking it up to mental illness, I was all "OMFG GHOSTS". Which is...probably still mental illness. Lol.
The details of pregnancy are unpleasant, especially if you happen to have no uterus. Lol, who exactly are you knockin' up? XD
Shadowmen and poltergeists! I have a weird relationship with the paranormal. I grew up with this weird mixture of bits of Christianity + bits of Native American folklore + a really 'whatever' attitude towards the whole thing, so... My beliefs on it aren't very concrete in either direction.
777. I used the power of MAGIC and said FUCK IT HE HAS ONE NOW OKAY because, seriously, where else is it gonna go? (It being the fetus.)
Ffff oh man, we had this lady come in to teach the sex ed portion of our class, and we had this book that had a freaking purity pledge in it. I was worried we'd have to sign that bitch as an assignment. This lady was basically all "DON'T HAVE SEX. YOU WON'T RESPECT YOURSELF. BLAH BLAH BLAH" and all the book had were stories of people who had sex and got horrifying STDs. Oh, and it had a bit about condoms, but only how they fail.
Then we had a nice talk about rape and victim-blaming, but the scenario we were given was a couple of people who got really drunk, and the girl blacked out but the guy didn't know it, and I was kind of like... Yeah, that's super shitty, but the guy had no idea she wasn't into it and he got his life ruined because of it, which seems sort of unfair.
I compacted my health class, so I did it in half a semester and all we did was read from the textbook and take tests. And watch a lot of movies about infectious diseases, for some reason. But the sex ed sections were all just like ABSTINENCE ABSTINENCE ABSTINENCE and there was ONE mention of birth control. In the entire book. All it said was that the pill doesn't prevent STDs. Sigh. All the stories in our textbook were about people getting pregnant and then being really sad. Or having sex and then breaking up because of it or something.
I really want to know how the people who push for funding for abstinence-only education can look at the world around them and not realize that it's not working. I'm pretty sure teen pregnancy rates aren't down. Do they live in a bubble where they never see teens sitting through abstinence class and then getting pregnant? It baffles me.
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