Title: Drink Me
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: The BBC are the cruel masters of Torchwood
A/N: Today is Ianto Jones' birthday, so here is a 100 word drabble to celebrate. Many happy returns, gorgeous boy.
He wouldn't dare forget! )
Comments 26
And do we know the b-day of anyone else?
That book also confirms some of the other characters' birthdays, possibly? I'd have to check. But not Jack's... ;)
Ianto arrives at the hotel room to find Jack already showered and dressed, in a suit of all things! He kisses Ianto and hands him a glass of champagne from the bottle that has been chilling. Jack then shows Ianto the garment bag from Prada or Armani or Versace (any one will do) and tells him to hurry and shower and put on his birthday present because they have dinner reservations at the fancy restaurant at the top of the hotel!
Then they come back to the room afterward and... SMUT! :-)
Thanks, never_more_fics - for making my day by filling my head with these wonderful images!
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