Title: whom the gods love dies young Fandom(s): White Collar/Chuck Pairing/Characters: Neal Caffrey, Bryce Larkin Rating: PG-13 Summary: For this prompt by tigriswolf at comment_fic.
Yes, he did (survive - I just realized I worded my answer oddly) :@ The story's supposed to go: he fakes Bryce's death and leaves instructions with Mozzie for Bryce to take his place til the Ring is gone and Neal's work is done; eventually Bryce finds out; finally bryce gets to start fresh as well. I was tired when I started putting the bits and pieces together. I need to go back and tweak for some clarifty I think.
Oh this was SOOOOO heartbreaking until the end. Still a bit confused, lol, but in the comments you explained it. I LOVE how deftly you made conversations and scenes that had so many layers of meaning depending on who knows what about who is talking about whom. This was so lovely - amazing job
Comments 5
Either way, this is utterly gorgeous, dude. Thank you!
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