further explanation: I got a job, which I start in January, at Rosetta Stone. One of the perks is I get to use their software for free. Welsh *was* at the top of my list (I've been using the BBC wales tapes to learn some), but it hasn't been upgraded to the current version yet, and considering that there's a pretty substantial difference between versions 2 and 3, I'm thinking I might wait on it. I think the same is true of Swahili. At any rate, it's primarily something I'm doing for fun and because I can, but plenty of these languages will be useful to me professionally...so...
Well... I want to say Welsh because you love it so much, but for practicality's sake I suggest Arabic. It's hugely useful these days. Plus, I can give you the Hebrew one when I'm done with it and they go really well together. You know, if you want to bring about peace in the Middle East. And stuff :P
Comments 4
I got a job, which I start in January, at Rosetta Stone. One of the perks is I get to use their software for free. Welsh *was* at the top of my list (I've been using the BBC wales tapes to learn some), but it hasn't been upgraded to the current version yet, and considering that there's a pretty substantial difference between versions 2 and 3, I'm thinking I might wait on it. I think the same is true of Swahili. At any rate, it's primarily something I'm doing for fun and because I can, but plenty of these languages will be useful to me professionally...so...
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