Screencap Adventure: Summon Night 2 (Part 2.3)

Jan 02, 2008 15:10

Okay, I think we're NEARLY done with the Longest Intro Ever. Just this (435-strong!) load of caps to get through, and maybe we can start seeing action. Believe me, once you slog through this text-fest, this game is actually pretty kickass. Bear with me, folks. Bear with me.

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Okay, recap: we got our Summon Creature, an Oni Child named Loki, bonded to him after saving his life, and discovered that Garrulon has a few daddy issues.

...Hang on, didn't Will have some daddy issues as well? I hope this isn't becoming a pattern.

If I do Final Fantasy X next, please shoot me.

Yeah, the jerk. Actually, in a big surprise for RPGs, I think there are actually enough houses for all the villagers. SHOCK.

Garrulon: :B


Oh right, this guy. Through our travels, we will pick up Rare Medals every so often. Bring them back to this guy for goodies. He does give you some pretty nice materials for weapon-making, but it's not really worth ferreting them all out. I didn't bother first time through.
...Though I suppose I should find them all for you guys. WE WILL SEE.

Hey, Ryouga! What's up?

Whoever wrote all those "Right/okay/no problem" bits into this dialogue needs a beatdown. YOU ARE NOT MAKING MY JOB ANY EASIER, MYSTERIOUS SCRIPT GUY

Wa-hey! *bow chicka wow wow* XD


Not to be rude, but...what hair, exactly?

That's a good idea. Let's do that.

...Okay, THAT was a pointless exchange, but usually they have something useful to say, I swear.

This screencap, out of context, could actually be pretty useful. Who doesn't need a screencap of someone sayign "Metal", right? :B

Yadda, yadda, yadda... :D

Quick, before he starts to talk again! Run!

Uh...I dunno! I need to think about that.

This village has a lot of cats.

This cat, in particular, is important. You get a little sidequest every 'chapter' to go out and find this old lady's cat for her. Cash prizes are given when you do, of course.


Yeah, I was gonna say...

Here is the fishing pond! If you have the patience for it, this is actually a pretty fun (and VERY rewarding) mini-game. Some of the best ores can be gotten from the fisherman there once you've reacked up enough points.

This bit is important, too. EPIC BATTLEGROUND, PERHAPS?

Oh, right. We had to 'get supplies', didn't we? :B

Ugh, MORE tutorials? No thank you, we're smart enough to work it out for ourselves.

*blink* What was that heart for? That seems...out of place, somehow.

If you talk to this clerk at the start of each chapter, you also get 'free samples'. This is an Anywhere Diary, which is basically a mobile savepoint. One-use only, of course.

That sounds intruiging. Let's check that out.

Basically, Creating items is 'combine items to get better items'. Forage all of this stuff from the field, bring it back here, and get yourself some cool gear. Simple enough, but not really worth the hassle.

ANYWAY, I'm sure Ryouga's been waiting around for awhile now. Let's go meet him.

Oh, right. :B

Equipment Screen: equip weapons and special items.

Support Screen: Give your Summon Creature spells and items to use in battle.

All we have so far is a Healing Spell, which we can only use once before we have to recharge. You get more uses through using the spell, but I'm sure we won't have a problem using the Healing Spell too little.

(Item, Magic, Weapon and Status are basically what you would expect. Review screens and inventories.)

Bla bla bla. Quest Items is where you keep your Quest Items.

Now, your Technique list is something new. Every time you forge a new weapon (that is, something you haven't forged before), it gets a page in the Techniques list.

Since there are 40 weapons to forge in each of the 5 weapon types, you can imagine how long it would take to fill them all. I know I didn't even bother, but it's still a really involving system.



Wha...dude, we took like half an hour to get here! How long does it take you to say goodbye to Lynn, anyway?

Spoiler: He isn't. These monsters would fucking ruin him in one hit. They're difficult at LEVEL FORTY, for God's sake.

It has David Bowie in it? :D

(I'm sorry that was awful)


Why, that...that sounds like a BAD GUY NAME!!

...They're kids, Gedharm. Just how dupable are you?

SMACK! A vicious left jab from Gedharm!

THOCK! Ooh, and a killer right hook to follow it up!

SMACK! BAM! POW! My goodness, Loki is taking a BEATING out there! He's really on the ropes!

*hit sound effect again, I've run out of lines*

"I am the POKEMON MA-" wait no wrong series

I actually recently replayed Case 1-4 of Phoenix Wright (because Zarla's obsession interest in Yanni Yogi re-piqued my interest), and I keep reading 'Goura' as 'Gourd' [Lake]. It is disconcerting.


...a tiny tank thing. Huh.


Battle over!
Cattan is super-easy. Unless you actually stand there and let him hit you for 20 minutes, you will not die.

"Are you stupid? You realise there is a giant uncontrollable Summon Creature behind there, right? Why is BLOW IT UP your final option?"


Damn, Ryouga. You got ugly.

Nooooo, REALLY? :B


Orin and Blaire out of nowhere!

Madness? This is...(no, I probably shouldn't.)




Aw, HELL naw!

Hahaha, look at Ryouga bite his lip there. That's hilarious.

Huh. Tatiana really is holding her hands up like that. I thought it was just a weird embellishment on her blouse. How very April May.

...What an oddly-placed credits scene. OH WELL, THAT MEANS THE INTRO IS OVER! WOOOOO!!

Aww, tiny Garry.

This probably isn't a reference, because I doubt anyone in Japan would know about it, but there was a really big soapie called 'Hey, Dad' over here in Australia. I immediately thought of that when I saw this line. :B

Ah, Garrulon. Continuing the proud tradition of RPG heroes who never get a good night's sleep without some sort of vision/flashback/psychic message.


Awwwww. I am genuinely touched. Such a dork for familial affection, that's me. :D

Garrulon responds with his usual eloquence.


You know what it looks like? It looks like Tatiana is ready to fist-fight somebody. She has her dukes put up, as it were.

We'll save first, I think. God, look at that: an HOUR AND A HALF and it's practically been all text! WHYYYYYYY

Well, either that or he's got a REALLY bad skin condition.

(Don't you dare start considering Garrulon/Tatiana, self. They may not be REAL brother and sister, but that's still off. You don't like Edgeworth/Franziska, and you don't like this.)


... ... ...

Oh, yay.

Man, Tatiana's sprite looks really manic there. Yikes.

Well, of course it is. Where do you think you are, Kingdom Hearts 2?



You can assume the Star Wars joke here, because that is really not my area of geek expertise.

Yeah, yeah, we get it. Daemon Edge, seal Goura. Stop repeating yourself.

"You didn't look under the mattress, did you?"

"HINT HINT get the fuck out of my room kids"

NEXT TIME: a meeting, then we finally get to some action! I'm excited!

In other news, I was re-re-replaying Final Fantasy VII (standing up, because I am HARDKORE), when Dad asked if I wanted to go down to the video store. I grabbed Sonic Heroes and Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare while I was there, curious. They are both very average.

Also grabbed Escape From New York, starring Kurt Russell. My God, Snake Plissken is so Solid Snake it hurts. He even had an Otacon and a Naomi and and :B

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: summon night 2

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