Screencap Adventure: Kirby Superstar (Great Cave Offensive - 1)

May 17, 2009 06:41

Previous Adventures

Dear Diary~

I got myself into another big adventure today.

It happened so suddenly! I was just walking along, looking for a cave to explore...

When the ground just went away!

Oh no!

I fell, and fell, and fell...

Until I landed in a big, big cave. I didn't know where I was, poyo, and I'd lost my helmet...

But the only thing to do was press on! I wanted a cave, and I'd found one for sure...they should mark those Danger signs more clearly, though.

Just like my last adventure, everyone wanted to hurt me for some reason. It made me sad, but at least I wasn't alone!

And I sure wasn't powerless.

The first thing I found was a treasure chest!

Everyone knows you open treasure chests in caves! They have armour and things in them!

A Gold Medal! It looked really old and valuable, poyo...I'd better keep this.

For a big, deep cave, it sure was bright and filled with people. They all wanted to hurt me, though!

But it was filled with treasure too, so that's okay. I decided! I'm going to get all the treasure I can find in this cave!


Treasure was everywhere in this cave...all the more for Kirby, poyo!

This was a funny whip. It had the letters 'Belmont' inscribed on the handle!

Still no exit...I was starting to feel lonely. I needed a friend.

So I made a friend and wings for me! Yay!

I had a feeling there was treasure behind this wall. I'd need to be quick, but I had wings...I'd be okay!

It'd be easier if I could turn into a star like my friends, but it's okay! I made it through in one try!

Wow! This one is valuable~

Time to move on! We've got a lot of cave to go!

After a snack break.

I don't have a pipe, but I'll take it anyway.

Lava...we were getting deep.

The enemies were just as plentiful, though!

This'd take all my agility, poyo...

Good thing I have wings now!

Still seems like a funny place to put a treasure chest.

These face blocks seem to be the key to getting into places. Better keep destroying them!

Blocks! Time to hit things!

Of course, the treasure was at the other side, poyo.

...I wonder if this candy's still good?

This room was weird, felt like nothing could hurt me in here. It was safe.

A place to rest, sort of. The button even released a Maxim Tomato!

There were a lot of Bomb blocks around here, too! Someone must be hiding something~

Like this! It was property of S.Aran!

More blocked passages...I'd better go around!

To the sky!

More treasure...this cave must be filled with it!

Hooray! Another valuable one!

Uh-oh...someone's blocking the way, poyo.

Maybe if I knock out those blocks he's standing on, we can get by with--

Never mind.


Cannons, too? This cave has everything!

...ow. Maybe that wasn't a good idea.

You've got to duck, Bonkers!

Onwards and forwards!

We'll need a blade for this one! Better go find one~


Tadahh! I'm a hero!

...poyooo. It's one of the seasonal hearts! I thought these were just a legend! Everyone will be really excited to see this!'re heavy, Simirror.

...who's 'S.Snake'?

Okay, let's keep going now!

...this is a big cave.

Wait, what's...

A whale?!

This whale was really tough! He jumped around and threw rocks everywhere...

My friend went away really quickly.

He even beat me up a lot...

But I got him in the end!

Goodbye, whale!

A minecart! That's more cavey, poyo.

Let's go! It's like a country with lots of Kongs and donkeys!

Nothing can get in the way of my minecart power!

...except a wall.

These caverns are pretty~

And there's even more water! A big underground lake, pyo-

And doors in the lake!

...what's a dime?

Ohh! It was a trick treasure!

That's much better.


Okay, I'm going to stop and take a rest here, diary. We'll keep going after a nap and a snack!


things: let's play, fandom: kirby

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