Screencap Adventure: Soul Blazer (Part 13)

Feb 08, 2009 14:35

Wh-what's this? A screencap post one day after the last one? Heresy and blasphemy!

Previous Adventures

Awright, into the tower of the left! Considering I can see three fireball-shooters and two lairs from here, I have high hopes for this place. I recall it's one of the places where I died very quickly last time.


Only the purple guards and fireballs can reach us right now, but that's more than enough. Purple guards are basically unremarkable Dudes With Swords.

Most of the lairs in here just get rid of the fireball-statues, which is both nice and frustrating.

The ol' 'get out of their path and swing wildly' method still works.

The knight thingies are a lot more difficult. They hop around, extend their spikes, then retract them again. Since your sword reach is about the same length as the spikes, you have to advance and retreat if you don't want to take any damage. Personally, I just charge in swinging wildly, like always. Works okay.

Red guards basically just throw boomerang-swords. There's really not a lot to say about the enemies in this area.

Or the lair releases. C'mon man, how many soldiers does this place have?

Why, he sounds like a useful fellow!

And up, into...wait. I remember this place.

We gotta go back briefly here.

This guy. This guy is integral to progressing any further.

And he's also our last soul! Quite a motley crew.


Ahaaa! The soldier's soul lets us see these passages. It only works on one or two floors of this level and nowhere else, so it's pretty much as useless as the rest of them after we use it.

A gift? Ooh, I hope it's a knighting. Sir Blazer... :B

Another passage! I'm not quite sure if these ones are actually passable if you don't have the soul. I don't THINK so.

These robots are cannon fodder of the highest degree. Low HP and they just STAND THERE, sometimes moving diagonally.


And...prisons. I can guess what's gonna happen here.


Awesome. Let's get releasin'!

...oh, hello. We finally get to see him?

What's up, Doc Leo?

Oh. Well, uh...okay.

So far ahead of you. :D

Okay, there's your damn soldier. TALK TO ME NOW.

He doesn't. D:

And, uh...that's it for the tower. Only three levels, seriously? Tartarus has spoiled me.

Yup, that's music alright.


These two were standing right up close to each other, then turn away as soon as you enter. It made me giggle.

Suuuuure, sure.

Ah, Hobson's Choice. We have the truthful answer, and the right answer.

Huh. What's up with the capital S there?

Oh, hey! Flattery WORKS.

Fun fact: there is one word of difference between that and the description for the VIP card.

"So, they're identical, right?"
"Well, no, they're completely different."
"...why? Wouldn't some sort of symmetry in the towers be better?"
"...I don't understand."

Looks like it's their knight out on the town. :D

Man, we've been levelling like crazy in here.

The town's really starting to come together, too. I always love this part when the life starts coming back into the areas.


And naturally, every lair?

Releases another batch of monsters.

With the fireballs hitting you the whole time, naturally.

But we get a castle for our troubles, so it's okay. :B

Briefly hopping back to regain HP, and man is this place swish!

You coudl almost say it's fit for a king.

...yipes. We'd better get Magridd back. He may have sold every soul in the world for gold, but at least he's not an NPC guard.

Anyway. Up!

And we meet the most dastardly of enemies...the fake treasure chest.

Toying with the emotions of gamers everywhere.

Oh, I think I missed this place.

DAMN THE FAKE TREASURE CHESTS TO H-- hey, is that a corner over there?

It is! I smell secret passage.

Not a very interesting secret passage, but ah well.

...I have a bad feeling about this lair.

And that would be why. D:

God, soldiers upon soldiers.

But hey, apparently our health is looping around now and turning light blue! I just noticed that. :B

Hmm. One of these things is not like the other~

Or two. :B

That one's a fake, too. CURSE YOU, MAGRIDD CASTLE.

The hallways are getting pretty tight around here, though.

Kinda reminds me of early Fire Emblem.

Aha! The second shortcut. We must be getting to boss fight territory.

Luckily, none of these actually fire at you. That'd be the last thing we need.

...oh hey, this looks familiar.

That's me!

...seriously? We're finally gonna see him?

So we meet at last...

You're an ass, dude.


...wait wait wait. So the intro said that King Magridd sold every soul on Earth for a gold piece each, right? That...that included his own soul?

Jesus. Monarchistic inbreeding at work, kids.

But wait! Suddenly Guard #2 has a spear in his back!

Apparently his name was Dok!

...ah. I'm guessing that's the Queen, and not the maids with the exact same sprite.



Guard #1's pretty hardcore, though. He takes about five spears to the chest before dropping.

Odd way to phrase it.

...oh man, that's low. Shoving his own daughter in front of him.

Man, the Queen is a bitch.

... :(

Huh? Well, alright...

Hey, wait, what're you doing with that--

...oh, geez. D:

And here, we see the saddest scene in the game. manages to get me every time. D:

're alright, Doctor Leo. You're alright.

Alright. Time to take out the boss.

This is what Doctor Leo gave us.

According to some of you guys, this is That One Boss. I can certainly see why - the sheer lack of time where you can cause damage to it makes up for that - but I didn't have TOO much trouble.

Didn't manage to get too many clear pictures of the boss, but you can see what it is; big old eagle. It swoops in diagonally every so often. Not really worth your time to try and attack it now, since you'd manage maybe one swing and sustain more damage than you cause.

Big old eagle is apparently Big Old Fireball Eagle. He shoots lines of fire down, moving left to right, and this is your golden opportunity to attack him.

Gotta watch your HP, though. :B

Since he has a crapton of HP, I've found that crabwalking into him is the best method. Keep level with him and keep sticking the sword in and you take off loads of HP really quickly. As long as you equip the Shield Bracelet you can weather the damage fairly easily.

Sword-swinging doesn't work too well since the wind is constantly pushing you towards the back of the ship. Did I mention that? Because it is.

The Shield-Bracelet-Medical Herb-Shield Bracelet swap is integral, too. You just don't have enough HP to do it any other way. And obviously, long-range magic doesn't work.

Anyway, after awhile...


And we're done!

You're a dumbass. I want you to know that.

Okay, back down to surface level.

...though of course, there's something much more important to take care of first.

Back in Grass Valley,

...honesty, of course. We're no human.


Oh. :(

Goodbye, Lisa. :(

Hello, King.

Yes. Yes you have.

Pretty much the stupidest promise I've ever heard, too.

"How can I impress my wife...I know! I'll sell all our souls to an evil King for a small pile of Gold, trapping everything on the planet into horrific torture, including ourselves!"

I don't even know what this means

Well, that's that.


Next time: we clear up a few loose ends, then go into the World of Evil.

Dream last night; giant pools of blood coming out of huge horizontal gashes along the middle of my palm and my wrist. Dad drove me to the hospital, where I had to keep my arms up to keep the cuts from hanging open, and Mum did not care in the slightest. Symbolism.

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: soul blazer

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