Screencap Adventure: Soul Blazer (Part 10)

Jan 05, 2009 23:06

Can't sleep. feyrae3, I rescind my recommendation of The Raw Shark Texts. I was reading it before going to sleep, and it pulled my brain into a stream-of-conciousness swirl for almost two hours, in which I'm pretty sure I only got a little bit of sleep. Hence why I'm up now. Any book which actually makes me lose sleep and say 'fuck it, come on brain, stop thinking like that' is not for Jonesy.

I still feel a little creeped. I'm losing myself in music right now to push the sheer weight of the words out of my mind. Let's do a screencap adventure to help alleviate this, shall we?

Previous Adventures

What a dilapidated old house. Who builds a house like this in the middle of a desert, anyway?

Fun fact: apparently each of the shrines had a different name! Who knew?

Boy, this doesn't look too hot right now. Look at all the holes in the floor! We're gonna need to do some serious renovation.

By which I mean kill monsters. With our sword.

In Leo's Laboratory. No, shut up, don't quote the Dexter's Laboratory theme song.

Oooh, Zantestu Sword. I likes the sound of that.

Yes, that's right; you need to talk to the doors in this area. Ain't it something? :D

No way up or around, guess we gotta go down!

...w-wow. Is it just me, or are the level of monster lairs increasing?

I have to say, the music in here is really cool. Kinda reminds me of Chrono Trigger.

Our first new enemy: ballworms! They basically just hump their way along the path towards you. Nothing special.

Our second new enemy: robots! As one would assume from a lab.

They don't attack directly, per se. It's more a case of you walking up to them, hitting them...

And them firing out what appears to be bubbles in impossible-to-dodge quantities.

A lot. There's also these little bulldozer dealies, which stay fixed in place and shoot out at you if you cross their paths, like the spears in a temple wall in Indiana Jones or something. You know the sort.

Oh! The ballworms can also hop between parallel paths. It's actually a good way to bait them, if you're tricksy.

doop de doop, paths everywhere, why would you even build a laboratory without floors

Oh, while I remember: the floor depicted in the background below us? That's the next level down. I just like that detail. :3

Oh, and we can't beat these guys OR the robots yet with our current sword! Although actually, we might be able to beat the robots with our current swords. DEFINITELY can't beat the bulldozers, though. I dunno it's really late bwahhh

Ah yes, I recall now. We CAN beat the robots, but these little Roomba-looking things are still invincible. They just drive towards you, essentially, but since they pursue you RELENTLESSLY and currently cannot take damage, they make things rather difficult.



Kitty! :D

And this is that Rotator spell we got, the light shield one. It takes 1 Gem for every circle-thingie it creates as it rotates around you. It's~ pretty much completely ineffective and a huge GEM drain.

A door? Great!

The little Roomba dudes can fly across gaps, too. Like I said: relentless. They're tiny four-wheeled Terminators.

These things can charge across gaps too, presumably with the Power of Steampunk or whatever.

OKAY nearly dead let's hop back and get healed up.

Aw, this door doesn't talk. >:

Ahaha. There we go~

Zantetsu. I'm pretty sure there's a historical basis for the name, something from the samurai era, but damned if I can find the material. You probably know it from Final Fantasy, anyway.

D'aww, who's a useful little kitty! :3

Oh christ. Those town models raise my blood pressure for serious. >:

Man, lookit all those swords!




This looks more like a high school science classroom than a lab to me. Except for, you know, the cats and talking potplants.


Game, I do want to step on a monster lair to trigger more monster lairs. This is not how you save the world.


These guys are like little Speed Racers. They TEAR away about twenty times faster than you can walk around a set racetrack path. The only method of beating them is just to stand in their path and flail with your sword as they barrel into you.

It's somewhat of a hit-and-miss procedure.



And we're actually releasing furniture for furniture's sake now, apparently. The doorknobs ARE twiddling about a lot, though. It's vaugely unnerving.

Okay, FINALLY done with the first area. Onwards!


Oh look, lava...connected to...pipes.

How, precisely?

You can, in fact, equip that Ice Armour from way back when and walk over this heated metal lava whatever without taking damage. The only drawback is a severe drop in defense! :D

Jesus, how many cats does that guy have? Are we gonna have to add 'crazy cat guy' to Doc Leo's list?

...maybe it's just because I'm listening to DDR music right now, but I can't stop seeing 'Uh, uh, Dr. Leo' as a song lyric. :B

It took awhile for my eyes to comprehend this, first time through. We actually go INSIDE the pipe! :D

More speed racers are released. These ones run around the WHOLE MAP, though, so it takes awhile for them to come back this way.

doop de doop, this is not good architecture

doop de doop, those helicopter blades look a lot better animated

doop de doop, going back

Give peace a chance, apparently!

This sentiment does not sit well with certain elements of the populace. They wish for the noble cats to be driven out. It's the French Revolution all over again, except with mice and cats and actually not like that at all!

Aww. Guess we gotta find a key first.

...steps. Talking steps, maybe? Magical steps.

No, just steps. Thanks, game. Very useful. We can ascend now.

Oh, huh! Apparently this is what all the bubbles those robots fire off look like when they expire. The things you see when you're catching screencaps!

Level 18! I forget what the 'maximum' level we can get is, but I think it's fairly close. I want to say 23, but... says something when you start expecting the doors to be chatty, doesn't it?


...shit. D:


It also says something when you're disappointed that the doors don't talk.


Dream time! And here, we get our first glance of the esteemed Doc Leo!

Huh, he actually looks kind of--

...never mind.

"Doors, potplants, even steps!"

Fun fact: I get profoundly sad whenever any of my neighbours start chopping down their trees. Come on, guys, are a few extra leaves really worth cutting down such a pretty source of decades-old oxygen and shade? >:

"Look at our helmets, dude. Clear Stormtrooper design."

SOLDIER called for backup!
SOLDIER appeared!

...oh, that's real nice, guys. Very flattering light to paint the Kingdom in.

You could, you know, not build the machine that doomed the entire population of the world. Just saying.

Master: *wakes up several hours later* Huh? What'd I miss?

Ahah! A key!


Wayyy ahead of you.

Okay, armoire, whatcha got for me?

...that'll do nicely. :D

*sigh* Alright, here we go~

...d'aww, it's all so tiny and adorable. :3

As we can see here, there are tiny archers and tiny rocking horse knights. They do what you would expect of their tiny professions.

We also have tiny guardsmen!

The tiny archers are dicks who enjoy firing constantly at you from out of range. While you're trying to defeat the onslaught of tiny guardsmen, no less!

Shouldn't we fix the gaping holes in the floor before bringing in the furniture? That seems kinda, I dunno, prudent.

Tiny guardsmen move very quickly, so you've gotta be on the ball (read: mashing the B button) when they charge at you.

doop de doop, tiny town

doop de doop, no agriculture to speak of

doop de doop, what is that water made out of

Pfft, okay, HERE is where it gets tricky. Those invisible enemies someone mentioned? They're here, and they're BOMBADIERS. You are basically assaulted with cannon fire, without being able to see where it comes from, whenever you're in the very large range of these enemies.

I attempted a tactic of crabwalking around wildly hoping to get lucky.

It didn't work too well.

Annnnnd we're back to zero GEMs. Next time: less embarrassing failure!

Hmm~ okay, that's much better. Maybe I can SLEEP now.

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: soul blazer

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