Screencap Adventure: Pokemon TCG (Part 10)

Jul 15, 2008 09:35

Oh my god, I practically had a heart attack in the final battle. I was biting my nails down to nubs. NUBS.

Getting too far into the character, I think. :B

Previous Episodes

The Water Club looks nice. I think I'll go there next!

Well, at least she didn't make a pun.

Imakuni?, huh? I'll keep an eye out for him.

(I spent like ten minutes looking for Imakuni last update. Couldn't find him. I'll find him next update, for sure.)

Uh...yeah. Twins usually do look kinda alike.

Well, I'll try to fix that! :D

Er...sorry. I don't have one.

I will!

(This is the Total Dick Move of the Water Club. Friggin' extended damage lkdsaglksj)

Alright, I've done my research. Let's go in!

Huh. It's pretty nice in h...o-oh wow.

Everyone in here is in their swimwear.

I feel kinda overdressed.

U-um. Hi!

Um. S-sure!

Sara, huh? I think she just got out of the pool...

Huh? Th-there's not?

Oh, there isn't! S-sorry.

Okay, that's better.

Huh. That was easy.

Heh. These two-prize matches are gonna be over quick.

Don't think I'll need to do this, but it can't hurt to be prepared!

Alright, I won!

...H-hey, don't pout like that! I-I'm sorry, Sara!

Um, y-yeah. I guess so.

Okay, I need to cool down a bit. I'll fix my deck.

Oh god that's the other twin

S-sure. I guess.

Wow. They really do look similar.

Huh? Oh. Sorry.

(Seriously, twice in a row. Apparently Jonesy can't concentrate around pretty girls in swimsuits. :3 )

There we go!

Huh, somebody else is playing Mysterious Fossils. I'd better watch that.

Gah, finally! I couldn't draw ANY basic Pokemon cards. I may as well just write off Snorlax; no point in putting all those Energy cards on him.

Haha. Much better.

What? Aw, darnit!


(THERE'S the added damage attacks. Good if you can get the right Energy cards, but awful to go up against.)

Alright, let's get Machop out of there.


Ooh! Perfect.

She healed Jigglypuff before putting it back up.

She might be pretty, but I'm not putting up with that.


Yipes! Is she gonna...

Oh. No, not for a coupla turns. Okay.

I'll just work out some backup...

This is always a risky move...but I'll chance it.



(Yes, Delcat. Another Zapdos card.)

I-I'm sorry! I have to get the medals, you see, for the cards...and...uh...never mind!

I guess I should just battle the leader if I want to...oof!

He shoved me back!

Oh, yeah? Well who the heck are you, buddy?

Way ahead of you.

Yeah, uh...already beaten them, buddy.

Bring it on.

And, um, could you put a shirt on? It's...kinda distracting. The pasty flesh is blinding me...

Things...didn't go well at the start of this match. He made Horsea retreat before I could beat it, and then sent out Lapras. Look at all that HP!

And then, confusion for Machop. I never lost a coin toss, but he died nonetheless.

Good thing I had a lynchpin ready to go.

(I had to show this. This is just the most apt Pokemon Power for a Tentacool ever.)

Two Shellders later, the match was over.

Heh. Water way to go, right Joshua?

(Thanks, leyheyhey!)

Just like that. Weren't you paying attention?

Sure! Let's go!

Ooh, Hitmonchan. This guy could take me through most of the match!


Fine. Have the damage back, then!

(Not shown: Amy using two Energy Removals in a row and taking all my Fighting energy off Hitmonchan dslkjakggl)

Better get an electric Pokemon ready.

She used Professor Oak again. Won't she run out of cards soon?

Alright, one more hit and I-

Aw, darnit!

And there goes Hitmonchan. He got paralysed, like, five times in a row! What about the law of averages?

Fine, time for Raichu. Let's get serious.

Ha! That's more like it!

Darnit. I really don't like those moves.

Good thing they don't always work.

Gotta keep a backup...

The Pokemon Power doesn't hurt, either.

Well, if she can get heads six times in a row, then surely I can...


Well, she's only got one Pokemon left. I can handle that.


Oh, come on!

Fine, I'll leave Aerodactyl to take damage while I prepare Cubone. Now all I need is a Marowak card.

(Tail Wag animation. Creepy.)

What? Oh...Pokemon Power doesn't stay for the whole battle, just for as long as Aerodactyl was alive.


Alright, no Marowak card...this doesn't look good.

Yeah, not losing like this.

Hm...okay, I have an idea. It's risky, and I don't know what's gonna happen...but I have to try.



(Not shown: nail-bitingly desperate switching out of Cubone and others hoping desperately for something, anything I could use for about FIFTEEN TURNS. The Machoke was quite literally a last-ditch resort; I didn't even know you could GET a Draw.)


Oh, geez...

And the only basic Pokemon I have is the one Fire Pokemon left in my deck. Great.

Ergh...if I never needed a Double Colourless, now would be the time...

...oh! Wow, talk about luck!

Maybe I can manage this...

Oh, geez. She's using Professor Oak again. Who knows what she could draw...


Darnit! C'mon, one good attack and she's done...

Unless she does that. Darnit, Amy, quit switching out!

What? Oh, c'mon!


Darnit, no!

...fine. Next time, Amy. Next time.

Hey y'know more fanart would be awesome not that I'm hinting or anything >_>

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: pokemon tcg

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