Screencap Adventure: Pokemon TCG (Part 9)

Jul 12, 2008 12:08

And of course by 'screencap adventure forthwith', I mean 'in about a week after I'm done procrastinating'.

Previous Episodes

Dear Diary~

Okay...I feel better now. I decided to just wander around a little before I head back to the Lightning Club.

(Those seats are ridiculous. BRIGHT PINK SEATS, YEAHH)

Maybe write in my Diary a little. Dad always said it was good to have your thoughts in order.

(Four and a half hours? Already? Cripes.)

Maybe it was just the lights. My head's clearer now, but Sam's always been a cool guy. A duel between friends would be cool right now.

(wtf, why is Sam's portrait reminding me of Shelly de Killer?), uh, it turns out that Sam only duels with the Practice Deck. This duel was exactly like the first one Dr. Mason hlped me through. I used the exact same moves and everything.

It made for a pretty easy win.

More Energy cards are always handy, though.

I also told Sam about my weird losses of time. He was really worried, and he gave me a small box. He told me not to open it until I got back to the Lightning Club, and said he hoped that it would help. I was intrigued!

After that, I decided to check out the back room. Now I've got a few Club Medals, maybe I could do something with these machines!

"Couldn't hurt", I thought. "Here goes nothing!"

It turns out these machines can build the decks of the people in the Clubs automatically! As long as you have all the cards and aren't using them in your current deck, it makes it like that!

I'm not sure what the people in the Clubs would think of that.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough cards to build any of the decks. At least it gives you a list of the cards you still need to collect, though!

I checked out that weird machine over in the corner after that. I'd always been curious about it; what the heck does it do?

I guess it saves decks?

I figured I should leave it for now, but I bet I'll be using that in the future.

After that, my head felt a lot clearer. It was really nice outside; birds were singing, the wind was blowing, the sun was shining. I decided to go for a walk.

Maybe it's the giant red roof, but I was attracted to the Pokemon Dome.

They have awful carpet, but man, is that place ever fancy. They've got more books on Pokemon Cards than Ishihara!

I checked my email while I was there, too.

Fighting Pokemon, huh...interesting.

I fiddled with my deck a bit; added a lot of Fighting Pokemon and took out a few Fire ones. Hopefully this'll work better.

And so, I was back. I opened the box that Sam gave me and...well...

Thanks, Sam. I owe you one.

Unfortunately, not all adults are as nice as Sam.

I had unfinished business with this guy, anyway.

Mankey is one of the Pokemon I added. Pretty weak on its own, but Primeape has some REALLY good attacks.

It has this Pokemon Power too, which is handy.

If I could remember to use that every turn, I bet it'd come in really handy. I'm kinda forgetful, though, so I probably won't.

Plus, Nicholas kept using total jerk moves like that one.

I was in a tight spot. It's times like this that the Professor Oak card really helps; sort of a wild stab in the dark, hoping for a good hand that can turn the duel around.

It helped.

For a little while, anyway. Pretty soon, I was up against the ropes again.

Aerodactyl really came through for me, though. That Pokemon Power and that saved me, that's for sure.

Unfortunately, all the Resistance in the world can't help if you just don't get any Energy cards. So I lost.

One deck-fix later, and I was ready for a rematch. I can't believe how determined I was! This Club would give me its medal, even if it took a hundred more duels.

Luckily, I got better cards this time. I won!

I'd beaten everyone in the club, then. All that was left was the master.

"It's TOO BRIGHT, Isaac." I wanted to say.

"Will you please TURN DOWN THE LIGHTS if I beat you?"

"Seriously, why do you even have them that hi...oh." He was wearing shades, too. Maybe that's it?

Anyway. The battle!

The battle started out hard. All I had was an Eevee, and Isaac kept getting lucky on the coin tosses and paralysing me. That's the thing about status effects, I guess: they're great fun when you're causing them, but not so much when you're on the receiving end.

I had an idea, though. These Computer Search cards really come in handy.

Evolution clears status effects, and gives more HP. A good idea!

Didn't do quite as much as I would have hoped, though. Electabuzz kept paralysing me, too.

And I got some really bad coin tosses.

Poor Jolteon. He fought valiantly.

Most of the battle was like this...this back and forth. I was putting out Pokemon, trying to get a good foothold, he kept on battering at me. I was on the defensive, and he knew it. I could see him grinning over there, behind his shades.

I've also found out something. I really, really don't like Sonicboom.

Things were looking bleak. The Card Masters always said 'Know your losses'.

And boy, did I ever know losses this duel.

I wasn't gonna go down without a fight, though! Darnit, I'd take out that darn Electrode, at least!

Unfortunately, taking out the heavy hitter doesn't matter much when you've got no prizes left.


Yeah, SO not taking that lying down.

One hard-fought battle later - where my butt was saved numerous times by this Marowak card - I was there.

The Lighting Medal was mine!

Four down, four to go. I'm getting closer to those cards every day...

Goodbye, Lightning Club! I hope you fix the lights by the time I come back!

Now, all that's left is to decide where to go next...

Once more unto the breach! Where should Jonesy go next?

The options are:
- Rock Club
- Grass Club
- Science Club
- Lightning Club
- Water Club
- Fire Club
- Fighting Club
- Psychic Club

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: pokemon tcg

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