Screencap Adventure: Pokemon TCG (Part 8)

Jul 07, 2008 16:29

Hokay, so we're going to the Lightning Club! Let's get on with that.

Previous Episodes

Alright, let's head to...

...the Lightning Club! Maybe I'll have some electrifying competition there.

I have a funny feeling all these Clubs used the same construction company. I dunno...just a hunch.

Ergh. Please don't tell me everyone here is gonna be using awful lightning puns.

One of us is enough.

Seriously, somebody was just using the same floorplans over and over. They even have the table in the same place!

Ugh. Yes, I am 'charged up'. Thank you for asking.

(Well, that slogan doesn't sound familiar at all.)

Okay, sure. Just please, stop saying Electabuzz?

Quit calling me kid! :(

Yeah, that's true. The sparkly ones usually are worth more. At least according to PokeBay, anyway.

Speaking of the Internet, I should check my email.

Oh hey, two new emails! does? I guess I beat him too fast for that to happen.

(And believe me, that's a good thing. Beating club masters before they can use their Hey Screw You move is ALWAYS a happy time.)

Uh...yeah. I'll get right on that.

That winking smilie is kinda creepy. Dr. Mason needs to take his meds more regularly.

Oh well. Next email!

Wayyy ahead of you.

What, no booster pack? Lame!

Oh, there's a P.S.

...oh! Okay! :D

Alright, let's get to duelin'.

I mean, look at this! They even use the same tiles on the...

...floor. Whoa, that is a lot of lighting.

It...kinda hurts my eyes, actually. Ow.

Nnngh. S'givin' me a headache.

Yeah sure whatever can we turn down these lights a bit?

(I have to show you this fight first. You will not believe this.)

Okay...that's not too bad a start, I guess. I can recover.

Okay, just let me get my scarf down to shield my eyes here, these lights are way too bri...


What. The heck. Is THAT?!

Oh, god. I have to get rid of this thing. Fast.




There's only one Farfetch'd card, but there', two...five Pikachu cards?! Who designed these things?

Okay, I have to stop this now. I am striking this thing out of existence.

Pikachu. Honestly.

Alright, Magnemite, let's swap you out. I need something that can destroy.

Like that! :D

Jahoowhaguh! Yikes!

Phew. Okay, no paralysis at least.

Oh, what does this one do? I don't think I've seen it before.

Oh, god. She actually squealed as she took it from her deck.'s just...ow, my eyes.

Okay, heck with it. This thing needs to go, and I have plenty of backup Fire energy.

Another one? Oh, head is hurting way too much for this.

Okay, let's just - ow - let's just get this over with.

Awesome. Can you turn down the lights now?

I'll note that down. Now, the lights...?'re not even listening to me.

Fine. Uh...hey, you! Over there!


...fine. I'll just go, then.

Okay, my head isn't hurting quite as much now. I can go back in.

No idea what was up with that last book. What the heck is Card Pop!, anyway?

Oww, my eyes. Hey, um, dude? Could you...the lights...?

No, I...oh, fine. Maybe it'll distract me.

God, my head is splitting. I'm gonna need glasses at this rate.

A Snorlax and a Double Colourless Energy down there, huh? Not too bad a ow start.

Heh. That failed.

One Computer Search later, we're ready to go!

...then this happens. Eep.

I do not need this right now.

I managed to knock it out with a conveniently-timed Pluspower, but his time was already up.

Good thing I had this one all ready to go.


Awesome. Now, can you please do something about the lights?

Nobody is - ow - listening to me today.

I don't suppose you're going to listen to me?

Yeah, I thought not.

Sure, sure. Whatev-owwwww

oh my god my head, owwwwwwww...

I...don't remember anything else about this battle. Did I black out again? I guess I did.

...maybe I should see a doctor about this.

...yeah. I'll do that, whoever you are.

...I need to get out of here.

Ishihara. He can help.

...I asked Ishihara about this weird blackouts I've been having, but he didn't have anything much to say about them; just that I should rest up a little. 'Someone of my caliber shouldn't overexert themselves', he said. Apparently those club masters I'd beaten had been talking about me.

I had a nap at Ishihara's place, then decided to go to Mason Laboratory. He might be forgetful and kinda weird, but Dr. Mason usually knows what's going on.

...unfortunately, all he wanted to talk about was the Pokemon Trading Card Game.

...I think I need to sit down.


Suspense! :O

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: pokemon tcg

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