Screencap Adventure: Summon Night 2 (Part 13)

Feb 03, 2008 18:12

Man, the weather's really been erratic the last few days. It storms like there's no tomorrow one minute, then the sun is baking down like an oven the next. Make up your mind, chaotic weather cycle!

Anyway, other things! I've been seeing a lot of movies the past few days. A few of my friends co-erced me into seeing 27 Dresses yesterday (and I do mean co-erced. I had to actually be issued a Challenge before I even considered seeing it), and I checked out Meet The Spartans the day before.

Now, I love a good romantic comedy as much as the next guy, don't get me wrong. Probably even moreso. The Sweetest Thing is still damn high on my list of favourite movies. But there was a REASON why I so vehemently did not want to see 27 Dresses, and that reason was thus: CLICHE. They were subtler than National Treasure 2 - the last clichefest mainstream flick I saw - but man, they were still there in force. The whole damn movie followed Cliche Rom-Com Plot #2, complete with requisite marriage scene at the end when everyone finds TWUU WUV.

However, that's not really the problem; a non-cliched romantic comedy, to my knowledge, is a very rare beast, and I knew this thing was going to be cliched as SHIT. My problem was the 'comedy' part of that. I laughed, yeah, but very rarely at the jokes. I laughed at how terrible the jokes were, how Katherine Heigl seriously kept doing the Phantasmagoria CRAZYEYED DON look, and how I could call EVERY SINGLE PLOT TWIST IN THE MOVIE. I can't confirm it yet, but I'm pretty sure I called something that will for sure show up on the Deleted/Extended Scenes part of the DVD. It was just that obvious of a movie. Fer chrissakes, I was practically reading the character's lines for them in some scenes!

Okay, yeah, people don't go to rom-coms to be challenged. They go for the proven formula of 'girl meets boy, girl and boy fight, girl and boy slowly start falling for each other, SUDDEN TWIST where boy has actually done something really bad by the girl, boy does a huge gesture of love to win girl back, boy and girl finally fall in twuu wuuuuv and get married'. Add love triangles, slutty rivals and supportive best friends to taste.

But still, christ. Give me SOMETHING new! I can't knock the acting in the movie, but the STORY. Yeugh. Do not go see this movie, guys. It is not very good at all.


Similarly, I wouldn't recommend Meet The Spartans either. Any movie where the main draw - for me - is Kevin 'Hercules' Sorbo in Spartan armour is not a good movie. They even managed to drag out the pit-kick joke - you know, the OTHER main draw - for FIVE MINUTES STRAIGHT. Not various callbacks throughout the movie, no, FIVE MINUTES OF CONTINUOUS PITKICK JOKES.

The whole thing was basically 'Epic Movie: 300 Edition', to be frank. The same continual pop-culture references which are going to be dated in two months, the same 5-year-old humour - and not GOOD 5 year old humour, stuff like 'lulz he's blind so he grabbed her breasts!' Bad jokes, unfunny jokes.

It was an 'okay' movie, really. There were moments where I seriously laughed - Kevin Sorbo actually says "I am gonna go Hercules on your ass!", which was AWESOME - but there were far too many drawn-out gags and 'hurr hurr Spartans are gay' jokes to salvage it. Rent it, watch it on the Internet (as I did, shhh), but I wouldn't go see it.

Anyway, you guys came here for screencap adventures! Let's get into that Ruined Factory we're sitting in front of.

Previous Episodes

I'm not sure WHY he has to control his emotions, but sure, whatever.

Ahaha. Yeah, I capped that Guardian Beast conversation just for this. Using a WHOLE TEXT BOX FOR ONE FULL STOP, GO ATLUS!

Oh yeah, these things are at the start of all of the new batch of dungeons. READ THEM FOR THEY ARE INTERESTING

I'm not exactly sure who wrote these. Graham, maybe?

"I'm not quite sure how I know that, since conveyor belts don't exist anywhere else in Lyndbaum, but hey!"

I question how exactly he's writing this. Did he transcribe his diary onto this glowing pillar or something?

"Huh, I wonder what this does!"


"...It broke!" :B

I cannot stop myself from picturing that hat as an Indiana Jones hat. GUESS WHICH MOVIE I'M EXCITED ABOUT YOU GUYS

That sounds like you know exactly how it works, actually.

Anyway, into the dungeon!

Basically every enemy in this dungeon is a mech, as you would imagine. We have big mechs, small mechs, and tiny little spider mechs, like these Poppers.

Most of them shoot lasers/electricity, too.

Whee! :D

And there's one of those switches!


The direction the belt is blinking in connotates which way it goes. This is something that is completely impossible to screencap.

Now it's going the other way! :D

What the heck are those things, anyway? Puppymechs? They seem to have electrical cords for tails. :3

Chests! :D


Annnd our newest Ore! Light Metal Ore is a good one; in terms of 'basic' ores, it doesn't get much better than this.

Around and back, and let's go downstairs!

The Defender kinda reminds me of that huge spider-mech from the start of FFVIII. He's about as tough to kill, too.

Oh yeah, let's try the Paralyse Attack while we're here. Looks like it costs 5 DUR.


DEFENDER is paralysed! It is unable to move!
(Paralysis wears off pretty quickly, so take your opening while you have it.)

Considering you cannot see the next floor down, it'd be pretty terrifying to go along those conveyor belts with no handrails or anything to grip onto.

...oh shit, wait, we're not supposed to get to this bit yet. Backing up!




Okay, well I know where I'M going.

The trick to getting those crates, since you CANNOT hop off a conveyor belt or move - aside from changing the way you're facing - until you reach the end, is the Spear. Pokey pokey and smash those crates! :D

Oh dang, I missed one. I'll get that later.

I think this is new, too.


Oh, for- EVERY TIME.

Wow, I just noticed, Garrulon looks really evil there. Just glaring forward as Loki decimates these robots in a stream of flame.

Priiiiizes. :D

Hmmm. Broken door. I'm...not sure if this is important.

Anyway, let's say hello to Mr. Clearly A Sub-Boss!

Oh sweet, the Grappler! If we defeat him, we'll get the Grapple Beam, right? :B


...Yeek. Okay, Grappler is a tough fella. Drills work well here, as does magic, as usual.

Spamming the heck out of magic works well, as per usual. :D

HOSHI- the earth is shaking!



Haha, NOOOO. The ceiling broke. That's why you FELL.





"Well, we fell an unknown distance and were knocked out for an unknown time, suffering several injuries! Let's keep going!" :D

Woah. It appears we fell straight into the Gundam universe.



"I really wanted to, uh...take a look inside it. Yeah."

"Sorry, I'm just really turned o- DISTRACTED. I'm just really distracted right now."

No idea what they're referring to here.


Yeah, that.

Heh. I love how that's written. 'Sorry!?' Is that an apology or a question or what?

...I am growing increasingly fond of the relationship between Tatiana and Garrulon. That sort of sibling care and affection always gets to me. :B



"All the robots were already defeated, anyway."

"Do you need me to...rub them?"

"I am stating what I am doing!"

"I am stating how I feel about this."

...You know, I've never held much interest in robots - the only one I remember really liking was Impact from Mystical Ninja 64 - but I must admit this is a pretty sweet robot.

Awww, dang. I guess we gotta go the other way.

Aha! We can go up AND down! :B

This level is basically a giant conveyor-belt maze/puzzle, littered with goodies. Let's get to lootin'! :D

Switch the switch...

Elebolts! I seem to remember these guys being important. I'll check the Bestiary after the fight.

Ahh, that's right! These guys drop Fulgur Horns!

And we get one from the chest, too! YAYYYYY

Also grabbed one of these. The next level of Flat Stone.

(There was a barrel on that platform.)

asdsajfkha. Back to the conveyor belt.

I actually missed this switch. Turned out it wasn't THAT important.

Did I mention this before? Spells do more damage the higher Loki's level gets. We never get another Heal spell, so it goes up a LOT.

I think that's another 5! I'll go say hello to the Rare Medal guy next time I'm in town.
...Which is now, because man I am not wasting all these materials.

Oh hey, a heal place!

Riiight after the boss battle place, of course.

Guh. That Iron Giant is one large fellow.

Huh, I thought he dropped something, but apparently not.
Awesome description, though. Reminds me of a certain prosecutor... :B

Take me home, Bruno!

Uh...we won't? Why?

Back home, back hooooome~

In the interests of...keeping you guys interested, I'll just show you the weapon sheets for the weapons I made. Anything 'Balanced' is made with Light Metal Ore, and anything 'Heavy' is made with a Fulgur Horn.

A LOT of Light Metal Ore dropped, so I had about 14 of those to work with, as opposed to the 2 or 3 Fulgur Horns.

Also, I got a Rank Up! :D


Okay, we're aaaaall ready.

Next time: the rest of the Machine Dungeon!

Exactly 300 screencaps, yeeaaaahhh. And I am moderately sure that the Best Boss Fight Ever is coming up! I love this game.

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: summon night 2

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