Time: April 10, 2001 Place: Hospital Wing Status: Public (Loki, Sphinx ... others? - Complete) Summary: Loki remembers. (I wish he had memories of Belial as well.)
Date: 10th January 2001 Status: Private - Anathema, Bill, John, Loki Setting: The library Summary: Anathema, John and Bill plan out strategies to break the curse on Loki.
Time: January 7, 2002 - Morning Status: Public (John, Kit, Famine, Bast, Loki, Anathema, Others?) Place: Restaurant and Touring the Manor Summary: Kit gets the grand tour.
Date: 18 December, 2000 Setting: Hospital wing Status: Private- Anathema, Loki, Metatron Summary: Possibly not the best idea ever, but it beats pretending not to be lost...
Date: November 3, 2000 Status: Private (Anathema, John, Loki) - complete Setting: Hospital wing, Library, hospital wing again. Summary: Anathema asks John to take Loki to see a doctor.