Date: January 6, 2001 Status: Private (Kit, Chas, Adam, Crowley) - Complete Setting: En route to the Manor, Lobby, and John's old room Summary: Into the lions' den...
"Mmm?" Startled from her reverie, it took Kit a moment to process the question. "Oh, aye, good," she replied, nodding in the emphatically optimistic way that people do when trying to emphasize a point that they're not quite sure of themselves. "Good."
It was hard, coming back here. Like slipping into an old pair of trousers and discovering that you'd need to lose another fifteen pounds before things would fit they way they once had. She'd known it would be, of course; but it was a whole different game, sitting there next to the cab driver and not having a clue how to explain things to him. And if it was this difficult with Chas...
"And you?" she asked quickly. "How's Renee doin'?"
"Gettin' by, gettin' by," Chas sighed. "She's away with Geraldine an' Trish for a fortnight. Left a list longer'n my arm of stuff she wants done 'round the place by the time she gets home." He glanced sidelong at Kit. "So, you're ah, still in Belfast? Illustratin' an' all that?" He didn't want to pry, but he couldn't help but wonder if she'd found herself a new bloke. Hard to imagine she hadn't, a lady like Kit. But if she was back here, looking for John...
Well, none of his business really. Like as not whatever happened would get back to him eventually, any road. John might've found himself a new pack of weirdo mates up at the spooky ol' Manor house, but he was still a semi-regular down the pub.
"Aw, well, that hardly leaves any time for gettin' into bother, does it?" She tried to grin, but it fell squarely into the category of a shy smile. Between them hung too many unasked questions for it to really be comfortable; a bit of catching up between casual friends was all well and good, but she knew Chas must be wondering what on earth she was doing here, and she sorely wanted to ask him about John in return.
But she stuck to the much safer subject proffered. "Aye, still in Belfast. Doing a bit of illustration here and there, mostly freelance. Just sold some things to one of the local shops, you know, for cards and such for the tourists. It pays the bills, and they get to paste 'local artist' all over the place, so it works out well enough."
She paused a beat, glancing out the fog-rimmed window at the unfamiliar countryside. "Where was it you said we were goin', now?"
"Heh. Not like that's anythin' new." Chas smiled lopsidedly. Kit was one of those rare birds who didn't begrudge a bloke some time to himself. That was one of the things he'd liked about her right off
( ... )
Comments 31
It was hard, coming back here. Like slipping into an old pair of trousers and discovering that you'd need to lose another fifteen pounds before things would fit they way they once had. She'd known it would be, of course; but it was a whole different game, sitting there next to the cab driver and not having a clue how to explain things to him. And if it was this difficult with Chas...
"And you?" she asked quickly. "How's Renee doin'?"
Well, none of his business really. Like as not whatever happened would get back to him eventually, any road. John might've found himself a new pack of weirdo mates up at the spooky ol' Manor house, but he was still a semi-regular down the pub.
But she stuck to the much safer subject proffered. "Aye, still in Belfast. Doing a bit of illustration here and there, mostly freelance. Just sold some things to one of the local shops, you know, for cards and such for the tourists. It pays the bills, and they get to paste 'local artist' all over the place, so it works out well enough."
She paused a beat, glancing out the fog-rimmed window at the unfamiliar countryside. "Where was it you said we were goin', now?"
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