Time: September 23, 2000 Place: The Library Status: Private (Loki, Metatron) (Complete) Summary: Loki is trying to avoid everybody, but with so many people in the manor it's not so easy.
The Metatron had come in a fair while earlier. He hadn't been looking for anything in particular, really; there had just been a vague idea that, with such a varying group of... well, people, it might be a good idea to see if there was some more recent (or not so recent, given he hadn't generally taken much of a note of what other gods were up to in their religions) information around. Possibly it would also be interesting to take a look at how those who were arguing against religion were currently viewing the matter.
There had been several books on both topics. He'd taken a brief look through some, and decided that those on the latter topic were probably far too irritating for their own good, and had put them back on the shelf. The books on other religions were faring slightly better because, after all, they were there, and it was probably better to know a bit about who he might bump into than be completely unprepared.
He had hoped, though, that there wouldn't have been anyone coming in. It wasn't that he wouldn't have asked to
( ... )
Loki started at the unexpected presence of ... it was another not-god, but considering his experience with Crowley he was hesitant to attribute him to either side. It didn't make much of a difference anyway. Both sides were equally dangerous and probably on Crowley and John's side as well.
"I was," he said cautiously. "Looking for a book to read. And as far as I know this isn't anybody's realm." Except Adam's, but he didn't feel like mentioning him.
Loki would have been quite surprised to hear another god, even one that officially wasn't, call him a god of fire. It was a commonly held misconception among modern humans and he was grateful for the increase of his powers over fire that had given him, but it still didn't actually make him into a fire god.
Being not entirely up-to-date with what was going on in the Manor, the Metatron wasn't particularly aware of any sides- aside from the more usual divides- but it was true that he was unlikely to approve of many of Loki's actions.
"Oh?" he asked, the tone leaning rather steeply towards disbelief. "On what subject, may I ask?" He frowned, and adjusted his pile to obliterate the titles. No need to tell a pantheon god he was curious about them. "Space of... inhabitance, then."
It was amazing, the number of misconceptions you could pile up if you weren't paying proper attention.
Comments 21
There had been several books on both topics. He'd taken a brief look through some, and decided that those on the latter topic were probably far too irritating for their own good, and had put them back on the shelf. The books on other religions were faring slightly better because, after all, they were there, and it was probably better to know a bit about who he might bump into than be completely unprepared.
He had hoped, though, that there wouldn't have been anyone coming in. It wasn't that he wouldn't have asked to ( ... )
"I was," he said cautiously. "Looking for a book to read. And as far as I know this isn't anybody's realm." Except Adam's, but he didn't feel like mentioning him.
Loki would have been quite surprised to hear another god, even one that officially wasn't, call him a god of fire. It was a commonly held misconception among modern humans and he was grateful for the increase of his powers over fire that had given him, but it still didn't actually make him into a fire god.
"Oh?" he asked, the tone leaning rather steeply towards disbelief. "On what subject, may I ask?" He frowned, and adjusted his pile to obliterate the titles. No need to tell a pantheon god he was curious about them. "Space of... inhabitance, then."
It was amazing, the number of misconceptions you could pile up if you weren't paying proper attention.
He wished he knew which one this was. He certainly hadn't seen him before. Oh where was Uriel when you needed her?
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