Международная кампания за бойкот сочинской Олимпиады. Присоединяйтесь и зовите друзей.

Feb 24, 2013 00:31

Оригинал взят у alex_momaв Международная кампания за бойкот сочинской Олимпиады. Присоединяйтесь и зовите друзей.

No Olimpic games whis dictator


To the leaders of the member countries of the International Olympic Committee:
We are addressing you on behalf of Russian citizens living in the Russian Federation. Today the power in our country was usurped by the junta spearheaded by Vladimir Putin. We witness the violation of all possible rules and norms of behavior by the subjects of international dialogue - it concerns the respect of human rights, peaceful settlement of debates, disarmament, the observance of the Constitution in our country. International agreements sealed by the UN Charter at the General Assembly and by the Declaration on the Principles of International Law are being ignored. Besides, the violation and non-observance of the RF Constitution is aggravated by the fact that, through falsifications and disinformation in mass media, there were made certain amendments making it impossible for our nation to overthrow the unpopular President with the help of the Referendum or abstention from elections. Thus, citizens of the Russian Federation were stripped of all their rights to influence on political events in their own country. The criminal robbing of our national resources by the ruling junta is going on and on, and it leads to the drastic impoverishment of the population. People are being persecuted and put to prison on political motives. Under such circumstances, we think that the Olympic Games in Sochi, if becoming a reality in 2014, will be viewed by the world community as a gesture of approval of the criminal and dangerous policy of the ruling elite in Russia. Thus we shall have a negative scenario on our hands which will lead to the escalation of instability in political and economical spheres both in our country and in the European and Asian regions as a whole. Bearing in mind all the aforesaid, and with an aim of stabilizing the situation, in the framework of the UN Declaration on the principles of the international law, we call upon all of you to boycott the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. Also we are asking you to administer all possible political and economical sanctions against the ruling regime in the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the situation will come from bad to worse, to the detriment of good-neighborly relations between the countries in the aforementioned regions.

Бойкот Олимпийских игр в Сочи в 2014 году. Никаких игр с диктатором!


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