SIN-SPIRATION: The Seven Deadly Sins Art Challenge

Aug 30, 2010 06:31

Have you ever made a screen-cap? Captioned a pic? Crafted an icon? Whipped up a quick vid? Wanted to try out photoshop? Now is your chance to share your skills with the rest of fandom! Sin-spiration is an art-based challenge for everyone (and it isn't restricted exclusively to artworks - if you don't feel confident enough to tackle visual images just yet, you can still participate - read on for further info!). We'll post one sin each week for seven weeks as a prompt, and in response we would love to see pictures of any kind that are inspired by that prompt.

If you don't fancy producing an image of some kind, drabble/ficlet responses to the pictures people post are equally welcome, so if your imagination is fired by that screen-cap of Napoleon tilting his head just so, or by someone's clever manip showing Illya in a heavenly outfit (or, more likely, Illya in not very much at all), please go ahead and post the result.

This isn't a competition - it's a challenge. Whether you're an experienced artist, or contemplating posting your first ever screen-cap, the aim is to give other people pleasure, and perhaps to gain confidence about working in a new medium.

togsos (the creator of our beautiful banners) has offered to run a graphics helpline, so if there's a particular effect you want to achieve and you're not sure how to do it, send her a message and she'll advise you.

This week's sin is GLUTTONY. Posting starts on Wednesday here at network_command (whatever your local time zone is) and you then have seven days to post images and ficlets inspired by that theme.

gluttony, challenges, togsos

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