Chicken Run

Sep 12, 2009 18:43

Who: big_whoop, realfakehero, pet_moonrabbit, maocontent, the_5th_doll, and whoever just feels BORED.
What: Guybrush finally goes on his first Item World dive! But the item he uses ends up having a few, uh, QUIRKS.
When: After Guybrush's round of recruitment and brief visit to the shop.
Where: The Item World
Warnings: May require LucasArts logic. Fear.

About time he found a use for that. )

ciaphas cain, !open, adell, shinku, reisen udongein inaba, guybrush threepwood, mao, tenshi hinanai

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Comments 57

pet_moonrabbit September 13 2009, 01:57:10 UTC
"I brought along some extra medicine, just in case," Reisen said as she showed up, the Yoshitsuna awkwardly slung across her back, "So... an item world? I've never been in one of those before, but I've heard that the difficulty depends on the strength of the item you go into."


big_whoop September 13 2009, 02:01:20 UTC
"I have ABSOLUTELY no objections to extra shiny happy healy things," Guybrush replied, in his usual eloquent fashion.

He shrugged. "Read something about that. Which is why I think I'm gonna use... THIS!"

He whips out... a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle. A BROKEN pulley.

"Figure something THIS useless can't be TOO strong of a dungeon," he explains sheepishly.


pet_moonrabbit September 13 2009, 02:04:23 UTC
Reisen put a hand to her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh... somewhat unsuccessfully. She recognized it from when Guybrush showed it to her earlier.

"T-that thing?" she finally said after a half minute, "I'd be surprised if the monsters in that would even know how to fight at all."


maocontent September 13 2009, 02:21:46 UTC
There was some chuckling.

"Figures. Going into useless items is apparently the new thing to do these days," Mao strolled in. "Aren't you supposed to be strengthening something that actually has worth? A million times zero is still zero, you know!"


peachhat September 13 2009, 12:27:19 UTC
*Nearby, a very bored Celestial is kicking rocks from the edge of one of the squares. Behind her is a pillar constructed of knocked out enemies. She looks pretty unimpressed*

Why am I doing this? Half of them I already got a fight with, one is a weak shota, and the others aren't worth to bother, to. Helping them just for the off chance that one of the higher level demons will get pissed ...

...they better never notice my presence. This is pathetic. *She hides once more*


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