The Trial, Pink Mao Edition

Sep 05, 2009 01:16

Who: Mao, Shinku (the bank), and anyone non-superevil who cares to strongarm their way through
What: Mao's paying a visit to his heart to sort out his feelings for Reisen as well as figure out just what is the essence of his demonhood and evilness. Crap is going DOWN. Once and for all.
When: Roughly a day after the events of Experiment 3 on Mao's ( Read more... )

almaz von almandine adamant, !open, reisen udongein inaba, shinku, mao, raspberyl

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Comments 61

the_5th_doll September 5 2009, 05:41:55 UTC
*Shinku looks up from the paper work a prinny with an afro and parachute pants gave her a few minutes ago. She raised and eye brow.

Excuse me? You want to withdraw your heart? isn't it in your chest?


maocontent September 5 2009, 05:50:55 UTC
"It's different than that!" Mao bellowed. "Certain powerful demons like myself keep an access to the inner depths of our hearts in the bank, only accessible by us! I need to get in."

He didn't know how long he had before his mind decided to render him a lovestruck delinquent mushface.


pet_moonrabbit September 5 2009, 05:53:48 UTC
Reisen happened to be nearby with another bank teller, depositing money that she had earned at her job, and slowly glanced over at Mao.

"Um... Mao?" she asked weakly, I didn't think a visit to his heart meant it was in the bank... how do you even do that?


the_5th_doll September 5 2009, 05:58:02 UTC
Shinku just looked at him for a bit.

"Well, now why would a powerful demon such as yourself need to get into his heart? The heart is where ones emotions lie. Surely a demon such yourself has no need for them"

Shinku was sounding slightly cold. She still remembers what mao wanted to do with her last time they met. She then hears Reisen. She looks at her face for a bit.


darkmastern September 5 2009, 22:11:04 UTC
((ooc: No need to reply, I'll follow from the shadows, and jump in when I need to.. unless you spot me first, XD))

Beryl was heading to the bank to take out some Hell, (to donate of course), When she noticed some VERY familiar people talking to Shinku. She quickly hid behind the doorway to go out and peeked her head around the corner.

"M-Mao and Reisen! Here!? Now?" She said to herself in a whisper, looking rather panicked. A few moments passed and she overheard their reasoning. Now she knew that it was impolite to listen in on conversations, however sometimes it couldn't be helped, and something like this was HUGE news.

Seeing him heading towards the door, she bolted outside and around to the side of the building. "Crap... this must be.. farther along than I thought... He's consulting his heart!" Getting more stomach pains from her current thoughts, she tried to ignore them at the moment and watch from around the corner.


darkmastern September 5 2009, 22:59:43 UTC
"well.. at least he's being his nerdy self..." She sighs and holds her upset stomach a bit as she continues to watch everything closely. She of course didn't like the feeling of seeing him try to get so much closer to Reisen, but she also remembered what the others had told her about how to handle the situation. It would be hard, but she planned to help out Mao!

as soon as she worked up the nerve to tell him about everything. For now she was waiting for them to move a bit deeper into the heart so she could follow un-noticed.


darkmastern September 6 2009, 04:44:38 UTC
"What.. The.. HELL is wrong with THAT Mao..." Beryl thought to herself as she watched the Evil Mao be dragged away.

She moved in, now she was peeking directly into the heart it's self. Sure she knew that she could get spotted more easily, but she wanted to be closer to everything so she could better understand it. "A trial... that probably is the best way to handle it... He'll be making his own decisions, but he probably won't even think about it that way.. his true feelings will come out more smoothly..."

She was just glad that with all of the bright colors around, her hot pink color scheme wouldn't stand out as much when she was peeking in the room.


darkmastern September 6 2009, 07:49:34 UTC
Raspberyl felt like her heart skipped a beat when he mentioned that he could give her a chance on a date. "W-why did that make me so excited.... I-I mean.. that could be cool.. he said..that would get between him and Reisen, and he obviously likes her as more than just a friend..."

She begins to breath a bit heavier and she sits down, leaning against the wall. "Raspberries... I... I thought that I had things sorted out... That I just had to tell him what I was feeling and things would be ok.. but I feel like if I told him... I could ruin something.."


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