Dark Assembly Bills

Jun 10, 2009 18:42

Due to the Dark Assembly being a group of lazy bums and Netherworld bureaucracy being as efficient as a molasses-powered waterwheel, there are a number of [Bills] backlogged in need of approval or rejection. However, the Senate could care less about doing there work. As a result, the lovely secretary of the Dark Assembly, Miss Pleinair, has collected a list of these bills; here, the once-secret legal information of the Dark Assembly is made public so that the residents of the Netherworld can browse possible bills and put them forward.

To propose one of these bills, go to the darkassembly and fill out the request form, minus the filibuster. Please include the bill's name correctly. Whether or not the bill passes will be determined in the same way any other Dark Assembly request is determined: bribery and the [Random Number Generator].

While ordinary bills can be passed once a week per character, these bills can only be attempted once every two weeks per character. If a character attempts to pass a bill here, they have to wait a minimum of 14 days until they can pass any others, including personal bills. In the meantime, any other character can attempt to pass the same bill or another bill. Keep in mind this and the other rules for this addendum to the Dark Assembly may be subject to change as the kinks are inevitably worked out.

Bills with #EXP next to their names require the character attempting to pass the bill possess that amount of EXP minimum. THIS EXP IS NOT LOST. The character will retain the EXP, but they need to meet the minimum. Once a bill is successfully passed (and assuming it can be passed only once), it will be crossed out and unable to be chosen again. Also, no, neither the players nor the characters will be given any descriptions as to what each bill does.

EDIT: Bills that would start a gamewide event can now be rejected at the mods' discretion if there are already events going on or planned for the immediate future. If this happens, you can try again when the RP is in more of a slow spell--that's what a lot of these bills are for, letting the players make something interesting happen when there's a slump.

List of Bills

-Democracy is Fun
>>A Senator is fired or promoted and a new Senator is elected in their place by the public.
-I Want to be Interviewed!
-I Want an Asylum-Style RP!
-I Want a Memory Loss-Style RP!
-I Want an Alternate Universe-Style RP!
-I Want a Mad Scientist-Style RP!
>>Changes the RP to a stereotypical mad scientist RP, with the characters captured and under the control of scientists who experiment on them on a regular basis.
-I Want a Western-Style RP!
-I Want a Noir-Style RP!
>>Changes the RP to an AU noir-style RP where characters temporarily believe themselves to be detectives, mobsters, or dames.
-Get in Touch With Your Inner Child
-Celebrate Gender Differences!
-Let’s Have a Sleepover
-It’s a Zoo Around Here
-Let’s Restock
-Become a Hero!
-What? I Missed Something Cool!
>>A character is allowed to experience an event they were not present for, whether on hiatus or not in the RP at the time of the event. The event is chosen at random. If a character who has experienced every event passes this bill, they will re-experience an event at random.
-Extort Dark Assembly for Funds
-Let’s Have a Place for Fanservice (500 EXP)
>>Built an onsen/bath house for public use.
-A Good Place for Training Montages (800 EXP)
>>Opened Baal's soldier-training facilities to public use.
-I Want a Colosseum! (2,000 EXP)
-Time to Bust in Baal’s Doorstep (15,000 EXP)
-Fix the Dimensional Gate! (1,500 EXP)
-I Want to Meet a Deva! (4,000 EXP)
-I Want to Visit the Cave of Ordeals! (1,400 EXP)
-There’s a Plot? (2,000 EXP)
-If This is a Castle, Where’s the Dungeon? (10,000 EXP)
-Defeat Baal (9,999,999 EXP)
-Find True Love (????????????????? EXP)

Rules For Common Bills

Bills that have become very, very common are now going to function under a different set of rules so that it will take less time and effort (on the parts of both moderators and players) to get a bill passed. Since 'moving between rooms' and the like are very simple and mundane bills that almost all of us would like to pass at least once, this will hopefully allow us to go through these bills more quickly so that we can all think of and pass more interesting and creative bills.

Room Changes
Want to move your character to live with his/her potential lover, slave, or love-slave? Simply make a bill request that mentions your character's intention to move either him/herself or another person to a different room. The stipulations are as follows:

1. All characters involved must have at least 500 EXP. This includes everyone involved: the person moving, the future roommate, and any current roommates that would be moved as a result. So if Albert and Billbert are roommates, but Albert wants to switch places with Cidbert to live with Dougbert in a different room, all characters that would be moved (Albert, Cidbert, and Dougbert, but not Billbert) would need at least 100 EXP; the reason behind this is that the randomization of room assignments is to give a reason for people to interact with strangers. Since 100 EXP is easily gained (it should take two to three weeks at most), this will allow characters to deal with their new roommates for a period of time while eventually giving them the chance to move in with someone they want to live with. Note: EXP is not lost by doing this. The characters simply need that minimum 500. Additionally, if the room you intend to send your character to has two occupants, you must contact both character's players. Another character can't be moved to a different room without their player's permission.

2. Make an out-of-character note (in other words, note what YOU as the player wants, not what the character wants) saying if you want the bill to pass or fail. Why? Some characters will immediately want to move out of a room to get away from their roommate as soon as they have their minimum 500 EXP, but perhaps you, as the player, want them to stay there; this will allow the player(s) involved to get the result they want while allowing their characters to do whatever they would really do. However, if you DO want to leave things entirely up to chance, we'll perform the bill normally.

3. Only one senator will respond to the character. The character will have the chance to interact with the senator to attempt to convince them to pass the bill; since the randomization is being removed from this type of bill, this part is here solely to keep things realistic. Regardless of what the senator feels, the result will be whatever the player wants--this is realistic for Disgaea, as even senators who say they 99.99% agree to support a character's bill will often vote against it. Again, if the player wishes to have the result randomized, we'll do so.

Title Changes
Does your character want a new class title to replace their currently inaccurate and/or embarrassing one? Well, just like the room changes, go ahead and make your character post a bill requesting a title change. The following (possibly familiar) stipulations apply:

1. Your character must have at least 500 EXP. Again, this EXP is not lost. So long as your character has the minimum required amount of EXP, they can request this bill.

2. Make an out-of-character note saying if you want the bill to pass or not. This is here for the same reason as it is for the room changes: perhaps you want your character to keep their ridiculous or embarrassing title while THEY want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Again, if you want to keep it up to chance like a normal bill, you are free to say so.

3. Assuming your character doesn't specify what they want the new title to be, make an out-of-character note saying what you want it changed to. Obviously, if a character is very specific and says word-for-word what they want it changed to, it'd only make sense for it to be changed to that. However, if your character specifies what they want, you can specify what YOU, as the player, wants and, if the bill fails (in other words, if you want it to fail), the character will be 'punished' by getting the new, unwanted title. If you want to leave the result open to the mods and senate, you can go ahead and specify no new title and we (the mods and the senators) will come up with something ourselves. If you want your character to be 'punished' with an unwanted new title, go ahead and say so and if the bill fails, we'll come up with something ridiculous.

4. Only one senator will respond to the character. Again, this is to have the bill to appear 'realistic': the character will have the chance to convince the senator, but ultimately (if you, the player, specified what you wanted) the senator's feelings will not affect the result. Special to this bill is if the new title is left unspecified: what your character gets labeled as if the bill passes or fails will be whatever the particular senator would come up with.

Meeting Baal or Other Important NPCs
Does your character want to take a whack at beating up Overlord Baal or would like to make a shady deal with Scrooge McDood? Well, this is to help make these bills a bit more streamlined. It comes with the following stipulations and requirements:

1. Your character needs a minimum of 1,000 EXP to attempt to pass this bill. Again, this EXP IS NOT LOST. The character just needs this minimum. This is to keep interactions (especially fights) between characters and important NPCs (aside from interactions started by the NPCs) relatively uncommon so that they stay as interesting, important events. We don't want this to become incredibly common, but also don't want to prevent it from happening at all.

2. Like the other bills like this, you, as the player, can specify whether you want the bill to pass or not. Again, if you want to randomize the result of the bill, you can do that as well.

3. THREE SENATORS will oversee these bills. This is to keep things somewhat realistic, like the other bills. If the player decided against a specific result, the senators' standings will affect the result; otherwise, the senators' will not affect the result of the bill at all if the player specified a result.


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