Reserve Characters

Dec 07, 2008 20:24

Ever been considering a character or working on an application, and then out of the blue someone else applies for that character? Oh, who needs the cliched leadup.

Post a reserve here with character and series name and your personal journal, and the character will be held for two weeks. We won't approve any apps for that character not sent by you in the meantime. If someone else does apply, and you get yours in, you'll get priority--though if the reserver's app would be rejected anyway, we'll then look at the outsider.

We have no reserve extention policy. If a reserve runs out without you applying, you won't be able to post a new one for one week.

And here, a handy form.

Today's Date:

CharacterCanonReserved ForExpiration Date

Applications (and therefore reserves) are now closed.
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