
Nov 15, 2008 15:30

Need Hel? Of course you do. Money makes the Netherworld go around. Seek employment here! You'll be able to get away with quite a bit of blatant slacking off easily enough, but after a point you can be fired, and hey, they can just not get paid. More open positions will be added as needed. Job titles are visible IC, but job descriptions are not. How else are we going to trap people into the unbearable jobs?

For salaries, assume something reasonable. Keeping perfect track of how much character has is rarely important in a RP and is generally far, far too much work for no reason. Be reasonable how much money you believe your character has made.

Subtract a reasonable amount of money (at your discretion, like just about everything pertaining to the economy) for food and various everyday expenses. Wait, what's that? You expected to eat for free like most other RPs? Haha! Hahahahahahahahaha. Well, if your character would be desperate not to seek employment, you're free to assume they steal food somewhere or bum cafeteria lunches from friendly Nethworld Academy students.

Castle Guard (2/5)
Job Description: Enforce "the law," which strictly means beating up Baal dissenters and anyone they think is acting out of line.
Workers: Black Mage, Solid Snake

Castle Maids/Butlers (1/4)
Job Description: Clean Baal's castle! Simple enough. It's huge, though, as explained.
Workers: Mariya Shido

Chefs and Cooks (3/3)
Job Description: Feed people at cafeteriae! Two working shifts at the Overlord's castle, and one for the school.
Workers: Nia (Castle/Morning), Kyouka (Castle/Evening), Romano (School)

Battle Waitress (0/2)
Job Description: Fight evil and deliver food to tables! Sexy gothic lolita uniform will be provided.

Rosen Queen Clerks (1/2)
Job Description: The Prinny Squad will handle this if either position is unfilled, but manage the shop.
Workers: Thomas

Bank Tellers (1/2)
Job Description: Maintain transactions at the bank. Like the shop clerks, this will be done by Prinnies until taken. You won't actually have to keep track of transactions--the mods will do that. But IC, it'll be your character doing it.
Workers: Shinku

Bank Guards (3/4)
Job Description: The bank will be robbed almost daily/multiple times a day/daily, if only by NPCs. This is a job for which you'll want strong characters. Although even if they fail, any robberies will be stopped by... other forces.
Workers: Cain, Almaz, Li

Repair Crew(1/3)
Job Description: Repair surely-common damage to the Overlord's castle and other parts of the Netherworld.
Workers: Sanae

School Teachers (Card Games: 0/1; Torture: 0/1; Lying: 0/1; Seduction: 1/1; Blackmail: 0/1; Mad Science: 1/1; History of Evil: 0/1; Phys Ed: 1/1; Mathematics: 1/1; Home Economics: 0/1; History of the Netherworld: 0/1; Non-Mad Science: 1/1; Literature: 0/1)
Job Description: Subjects are to be chosen from the above, and they're roughly what they sound like.
Workers: Gordon (Phys Ed), Cirno (Mathematics), Rita (Non-Mad Science), Etna (Seduction), Flay (Mad Science)

Rosen Queen Factory Workers (0/5)
Job Description: Manufacture the products sold at the shop! Actually a horrible, miserable sweatshop.

Rosen Queen Blacksmiths (0/5)
Job Description: Manufacture the many, many weapons and armor sold at Rosen Queen.

Executive Officer of Waste Disposal (1/2)
Job Description: Trash man.
Workers: Utsuho

Geothermal Maintenance (0/2)
Job Description: Cleaning and damming the many rivers of lava in the Netherworld. Not for the non-fireproof.

Guys With Really Really Great Jobs (1/3)
Job Description: Some individuals of the larger classes of monster-type demons, many of them Senators, are known for letting their waste drop where it falls. Sweep it up.
Workers: Vulcanus

Welcome Wagon (2/3)
Job Description: Welcome newcomers to the Netherworld in hopes of minimizing (or maximizing) culture shock.
Workers: Beryl, Kyoko

Librarian (2/3)
Job Description: Attempt to organize and alphabetize the infinite number of books in Overlord Baal's grand library.
Workers: Maka, Negi

Paranormal Phenomena Bureaucrat 3/4
Job Description: Employed by the Great Japanese Empire's Paranormal Phenomena Bureau of Measures. Research the "paranormal," I.E. record random things about everyday life in the Netherworld.
Workers: Ouka, Reisen, Tsuruya
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