1sentence: WALL-E x EVE

Jun 09, 2009 00:37

Set: Gamma

#01 - Ring- Such would only mess with her aerodynamics, but who said their wedding had to be like the humans after how many other things they'd done differently?

#02 - Hero- She almost growled at yet another human saying she was the hero of the Axiom, but settled for not looking amused by it; she hadn't really done anything.

#03 - Memory- Eventually, she understood that it wasn't so rare for humans to start forgetting those around them if they live to a very old age, but that never stopped her from looking miserable whenever she heard it had happened to somebody.

#04 - Box- She hummed softly, rocking the small metal box on his rack at night, not worrying about any sleep she lost, smiling with nothing but love.

#05 - Run- It seemed there was nowhere she could go that he wouldn't follow, so she gave up and danced with him.

#06 - Hurricane- The wind pushed the dust off his head as she zoomed above his hiding place, and he stared as if the hurricane of a robot was a peaceful angel.

#07 - Wings- If this bot who had graced his planet didn't need wings to fly, he knew his heart didn't either.

#08 - Cold- They were whatever the weather was, their metal matching the temperature around them, yet they still felt warm when they were close together.

#09 - Red- Strangely, seeing somebody like she once was, seeing someone so attached to their directive telling her she was wrong; it only made her want to be with WALL-E more.

#10 - Drink- Doing what the world said was all she could do, being nothing but a tool for sloth and false justification; she realized now that such things had never quenched her like he had.

#11 - Midnight- The quiet of night took on a whole new emotion for them with a hand to hold nearby.

#12 - Temptation- Never did even the quickest thought of straying come to them; it simply wasn't in their programming.

#13 - View- Humans never understood how to view others for their souls more than the ones who met WALL-E and EVE did.

#14 - Music- With her hands awkwardly laced together and the security images flickering in front of her, she started to wonder if the song was really what made her feel so strange.

#15 - Silk-No matter how old they got, how rusted and forlorn their frames grew, dancing together to their song remained like walking on clouds.

#16 - Cover- The sound of groaning metal, their home protecting them from the sandstorm, was drowned out by the strange whirrs and beeps; the other always understood them perfectly.

#17 - Promise- “Directive,” she said with her hand reaching out to him, putting everything she had into what looked like the most hopeless robot in the world, without the slightest hesitation.

#18 - Dream- They had always wondered when EVE would start dreaming, as he had for centuries; nothing made her happier than finally being able to say she had, and that she'd dreamed of him.

#19 - Candle- The romantic meaning of candles had been lost to old culture, but there were times when he would take out the lighter and they would gaze at it... no, at each other.

#20 - Talent- Apparently, their little ritual of moving together to music was some sort of art, and everybody wanted to learn from them.

#21 - Silence- But this time, he heard the faintest sound of humming, and the feeling of his cubicle swaying gently without his effort.

#22 - Journey- Looking at the small plant sticking out of the barren soil, having come so far but just starting, it made both of them think of themselves.

#23 - Fire- She would swoop down and sweep him into the sky with her, and she was metal, and affected by windchill from soaring at sound breaking speeds, and WALL-E felt incredibly warm the moment she touched him.

#24 - Strength- It didn't take an engineer to tell that the Holo-Detector had more force than WALL-E should have been able to hold.

#25 - Mask- He kept following her across the trash-covered scenery, somehow finding her again every time she zoomed off, and EVE wondered how much longer she could pretend she wasn't interested.

#26 - Ice- EVE had no nerve simulation, no need to feel, but when the pod exploded, space suddenly felt endlessly cold.

#27 - Fall- He had nobody to tell him how deep he could fall in love with EVE before it wasn't 'normal', so he just threw all he had into the mix.

#28 - Forgotten- She'd started to fall for WALL-E because he had noticed her, but now he was rolling away, and all the eyes looking curiously in her direction were meaningless.

#29 - Dance- She led, he led, and soon they were spinning together in circles and figure eights and in harmony.

#30 - Body- Anybody else would have claimed that their fingers simply did not fit together correctly, but WALL-E and EVE would have said they fit like they were built to.

#31 - Sacred- His collection had become open for the humans to explore, the bot being more than happy to communicate with others as curious as him... except... except he grew rather protective if anybody tried to touch a lighter he kept on his person, for some reason.

#32 - Farewells- With one last spark between his eyes, she said goodbye to him... and to herself.

#33 - World- One morning, the truck was empty, and the colony was buzzing with rumors of the two flying off together the day before with no destination in particular.

#34 - Formal- EVE tilted her head in confusion; WALL-E had insisted on wearing a bow for the occasion, because that was what the man in his favorite movie had done when he'd gotten married, but then had turned around and insisted EVE looked perfectly beautiful as she was, despite the woman's outfit being much more gaudy.

#35 - Fever- EVE wondered if she should have told WALL-E that robots don't get sick like humans do, or if putting his hand to her forehead when she got a virus made him feel like he was helping somehow.

#36 - Laugh- The drum bonked WALL-E in the head, and EVE let out an series of short, joyful noises all slurred together that had never been programmed into her.

#37 - Lies- Everything about the Axiom had turned out to be a lie, and everything she'd found on Earth had turned out to be true; a place like that could not be beyond hope.

#38 - Forever- As long as somebody would repair them, they would live to see generations pass, and yet they treated every day together like their last.

#39 - Overwhelmed- There was so much that still didn't make sense, and so many questions she had about who she was supposed to be now, but they all seemed to fade into obscurity when she remembered that he already loved her.

#40 - Whisper-“Thank you,” she'd sometimes say quietly to him when they embraced, and he couldn't understand why; if anything, he should have been thanking her.

#41 - Wait- Every second of loneliness was worth it, to find her at the end.

#42 - Talk- There were a lot of things he had to say to her without words, but it only made them grow even closer.

#43 - Search- He couldn't be gone... there was no way such a bright light could be so easily extinguished.

#44 - Hope- How much they loved each other, despite all the hardships of life with so many changes, quickly became a symbol of hope for the human couples of the Colony Axiom.

#45 - Eclipse- But he was nothing but a shell, and the sun that shone down so intensely might as well have been gone.

#46 - Gravity- Seeing WALL-E hop and zoom across the ground, after all her years in space, almost made her upset that she wasn't built to understand gravity.

#47 - Highway- And the skyscrapers returned, and the lights, and the highways, but nobody even considered touching the old, half-destroyed bridge with the rusted yellow truck perched at the end.

#48 - Unknown- He had no idea where the ship he attached himself to was headed, but he knew she would be there, hopefully awake again to laugh when he said her name.

#49 - Lock- And all her emotions, her malfunctions, that she'd locked tightly away from anybody's view, slipped out with ease around him.

#50 - Breathe- They didn't, couldn't, and had no need to have systems that circulated oxygen the same way humans did, but when EVE was close to WALL-E, she swore she could hear his heartbeat, and no amount of logic could tell her otherwise.

BONUS! (Because I misread "Sacred" as "Scared"): EVE had never been afraid before she met WALL-E, as she'd formerly had nothing to lose.

1sentence, complete, master, wall-e, fic

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