books read in 2015

Jan 17, 2015 12:44

must be much more ruthless about passing things onto oxfam, am drowning in piles of books in my room, fear am a hoarder.

January :

O'Regan: Isn't It Well For Ye the book of irish mammies better as a twitter feed like so many "humour" titles
Kaye: For You Alone frederick wentworth book 2 austen fanfic. better than average (a low bar)
Trewin: ( Read more... )

annual booklist, reading

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Comments 2

chelseagirl January 17 2015, 20:20:30 UTC
Yay! Good to hear from you!

Since I finally have one full-time job, with an office, instead of a multiplicity of part-time teaching jobs, I am slowly moving books to my office, which gives me the false sense that my collection is under control. Hah! (Although my favorite place to donate is a fifteen-minute walk from my new apartment, which means I'm being a bit better about that, as well.)


nessreader January 31 2015, 20:50:08 UTC
Delighted that you have a single job after so much juggling and stress and hard work. Scheduling multiple jobs is such a nightmare.

I cleared a couple of bags but I really need to take a hard look at the stacks and be honest about the ones I never will reread. I'm a hoarder at heart and it's difficult even while drowning in clutter.


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