Was'n das für'n Scheißkrieg, man kann ja niemandem mehr trauen!

Jun 04, 2013 13:58

Comment on this post and I will choose six interests from your profile. You will then explain what they mean/why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.

sunshine304 gave me (after mocking my damn short interests-lists which I haven't updated in five years xD)

Animaniacs: Still the ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

erynwen June 4 2013, 12:05:21 UTC
Kommentiert hier mal, weil sie sonst nix zu tun hat.

Also: Animaniacs!!


nessaniel June 4 2013, 20:00:54 UTC
Animaniacs <333 Ich wünschte, ich könnte mir eine shiny DVD-Box davon kaufen, but alas there is no one for all the seasons. Q_Q BUT HEY, THAT'S WHAT YOUTUBE WAS INVENTED FOR! =DDD

Your interests:
Liam Neeson (FOR REASONS)

DeForest Kelley (because I recently read on tumblr that there are people who don't like TOS!Bones! HOW CAN THAT BE. RUAHAHSKJH!)


Viggo Mortensen




sallycandance June 4 2013, 15:03:59 UTC
Ich kommentier mal, weil ich hab auch Ferien und nix zu tun ^.^


nessaniel June 4 2013, 22:19:21 UTC
Na dann versüßen wir dir die Ferien! =DDD

alligators, old tv-shows, lgbt, british comedy, screenplays, snail mail

Aww, alligators <33


sallycandance June 5 2013, 14:57:20 UTC
Okay. Dann will ich mal loslegen...


This is a comment. asthenie_vd June 4 2013, 15:31:26 UTC
OMG the Lord of the Rings movies! ♥ I saw each at least three times at the cinema. XD Good, big budget fantasy movies are so rare, and I already liked the books, and OMG these movies are so great, and yes to part of one's youth (everyone was crazy about Orlando and Viggo!), and YES, YOU HAVE AWESOME TASTE.

I am with you on shounen-ai. As a genre it's much to cutesy for my taste. But CLAMP is great. Perhaps because they never wrote an outright SA manga, so their stories had to focus on something other than twu wuv. XD

I am not actively looking out for bands anymore and mostly randomly listening to songs.

I thought that was how normal people felt about music? *g*


Re: This is a comment. nessaniel June 4 2013, 22:04:09 UTC
I just finished "Victory of Eagles" and I think I know what you meant when you said there was this one thing you couldn't forgive Lien ( ... )


Re: This is a comment. asthenie_vd June 6 2013, 13:37:00 UTC
Right? RIGHT? It broke my fucking heart! I mean, I understand her bitterness, but could she please not have kill 20 000 people AT ONCE?? Damn that Tsunami-Dragon, now I kinda want her head. T__T (and I read that on the plane back from Ireland last year. It was horrible, I couldn't even scream and throw the book against the wall, because ... plane ( ... )


Re: This is a comment. nessaniel June 8 2013, 09:11:06 UTC
The feels. Gawd, I can't. I'm just reading Tongues of Serpents and right now it bores me to death if it weren't for the horribly mortified Laurence in his silly and over the top Chinese garments. <33

It appeared very telling that Tharkay was the only one able to get through to Laurence's bubble of DISASTER AND DOOM - even Granby failed to do that and all it needed for Tharkay where like... three words. Imma shipping it which is not a good thing xD That scene with the French dragon... I was screaming internally. Laurence, you cannot possibly do that, you can't, not after everything you gave up to save all those dragons. Q_Q Oh well. Thanks for Tharkay, anyway. He and Jane must have dents in their foreheads from facepalming and headdesking so much when dealing with our cute noble, idiotic hero. <333

ANYWAY. THE FEELS. I must get my hands on Crubicle of Gold and then I'm almost ready for Blood of Tyrants and I JUST DON'T WANT IT TO END. Q_____Q


failte_aoife June 4 2013, 16:31:43 UTC
This is a comment (OK I cheated: I just looked at my interest-list to see if it's not too embarassing as I also haven't updated it in ages...but I swear I didn't change anything)


nessaniel June 4 2013, 22:06:16 UTC
the meme:

taizé, the peanuts, oscar wilde, subway to sally, concerts, mittelaltermärkte

Now that we are made aware of it we should probably update those lists sometime soon...


sunshine304 June 4 2013, 19:52:08 UTC
Jaaa, was soll ich denn machen? ich dacht schon so, "Hmm, die will ihe Mangas loswerden, ob das alles noch so stimmt?" XD

Die Animaniacs find ich ja auch so super genial! Ich hab immer drauf gehofft, dass da wieder irgendwas gesungen wird. Und das Pinkie & der Brain Spin-Off ist sowieso Gold wert. ♥

Ich bin nie so wirklich ins Shonen-Ai Genre reingekommen, weil mir allein die Zeichnungen häufig zu klischee waren (großer, breitschultiger dunkelhaariger Bad Boy + blonder, smaler, sanfter Jüngling... neeeee XD) und sich die Stories auch selten besser anhörten. Hm, was hab ich denn überhaupt von Clamp gelesen... MKR (gab's da Shonen Ai? Ist schon so ewig her) und Wish (das war süß^^). Und dann gab's noch Angel Sanctuary (so pretty! *_*), wo möglicherweise auch was drin vorkam, aber das hat ja eh vor nix Halt gemacht. *g*

Wenn du dich rächen willst, kannste mir auch gern was von meiner (sehr ausführlichen! ;P) Liste geben; ich beantworte das dann hier. :)


nessaniel June 4 2013, 22:44:24 UTC
MKR... nee, ich glaube da gab es gar keine Andeutungen.
Aber bei Card Captor Sakura, falls du das kennst? ;D

Und ja, ich sollte die Liste wirklich mal updaten, aber sobald ich vor diesem weißen Feld sitze, vergesse ich schlagartig alles, was auch nur im Mindesten interessant für mich ist. XD

"Zur Rache": ^^
ivy quainoo, neil gaiman, agent sands, singing!jeremy renner, house m.d., the sea


sunshine304 June 6 2013, 19:06:23 UTC
Vom Namen her kenn ich CCS, hab das aber nie gelesen. ^^

Mir fällt immer wieder zwischendurch irgendwas ein, aber meist vergesse ich dann es einzutragen. *g*

Ivy Quainoo: Hat die erste The Voice of Germany Staffel gewonnen und ich find sie klasse. Ihr 1. Album ist wirklich sehr gut, viele Songs sind Ohrwürmer und alles ist irgendwie so eine Mischung aus Soul und Pop, was mir persönlich gut gefällt. Außerdem sticht ihre Stimme heraus.

Neil Gaiman: Ich hab immer noch viel zu wenig von ihm gelesen, aber das war klasse! Seine Kollab mit Terry pratchett (Good Omens) ist absolut genial, ich liebe "Stardust" und allgemein seinen Hang zum eher Düsteren mit einer Prise Humor. Außerdem sagt er schöne Sachen auf tumblr und so.^^

Agent Sands: Ähm ja.^^ Johnny Depp in "Irgendwann in Mexiko", diesem sinnlosen Ballerfilm von Robert Rodriguez. Sands ist toll, weil er ein soziopathisches Arschloch ist und furchtbar dämliche T-Shirts trägt. Leder steht ihm gut. Aber eigentlich ist das_mervin Schuld dran, dass ich ihn so klasse finde. Sie hat ihn in ihren ( ... )


nessaniel June 8 2013, 07:45:22 UTC
Yes to everything you said about singing!Jeremy Renner! I'd buy the shit out of that album. *le sigh*


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