On Ava-twar, a rant

Jan 20, 2010 09:21

Do not read this rant unless you have already seen Avatar. Will spoil most of it. Well, discuss it, how can you spoil it?

Short rant: You have seen this movie if you have seen dances with wolves. Except that movie was better.

Long rant: OK, so in the future we travel several light years away to harvest some un-obtainium [literally called unobtainium, and not as a joke], on a moon of a gas giant, which has a planet spanning hive mind, tons of glowing alien life, oh, and intelligent giant blue people. With tails. For some reason, the science team interacts with the natives by "wearing" biological clone bodies which look like the aliens, you know, because wearing a native skin suit always goes over well. Crippled marine corporal replaces his mysteriously dead brother as an avatar driver, despite not being a scientist, or knowing anything about Pandora [the moon]. Marine drives body, loves walking again, meets tribal princess, learns to be a real person, falls in love, decides to defend natives from evil corporate thugs, struggles, ultimately triumphs etc. Oh, and only a white man can save the blue man. Seriously.

This is about the worst story that I have seen on the big screen for quite some time. It makes Phantom Menace seem like Shakespeare. And yet it got $400 million in funding, and has already raked in nearly $1b in sales as well as a golden Globe for best picture.

I could go on for several paragraphs about each aspect of the movie, from the biology, to the noble savage, to the evil young corporate director (he only cares about the SHAREHOLDERS!). But it would just make your head hurt. Just like hype about 3d movies.

Arrow shooting natives take down the machine gun packing thugs and their helicopter analogs?

Oh, and give the brash talking small Hispanic woman trope a rest Mr. Cameron!

so what do you think? Is anyone else (besides Abbynormal)as sickened by this movie as I was?

I did like that the space ship at the beginning actual had heat radiators. The guns were cool. umm... hmm, some of the other tech was cool.

movies, science, greed

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