[Art] Merlin - The Dark

Feb 18, 2010 01:35

Title: The Dark
Rating: G
Notes: For cuban_sombrero as part of the Arthur/Gwen Thing-A-Thon Prompt/Request 1: News of Morgana reaches Camelot after she runs away, and Gwen comforts Arthur about it. Which is the general idea behind this piece. Arthur internalizes, Gwen takes care of him. Tried for a cartoon/realistic fusion style, but I'm still not sure how I ( Read more... )

character | guinevere, fanwork | art, character | arthur pendragon

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Comments 14

crazy4dw February 17 2010, 16:52:33 UTC
Gwen looks gorgeous! I really love the way you draw her hair!
And Arthur's eyes remind me of a character in Gundam Seed, whose name I have completely forgotten!

Lovely work as always! :D


mustbethursday3 February 17 2010, 17:10:18 UTC
I love the ring on her finger and it's her left hand too, coz she never wears any jewelry, so either it's Arthur's - Aaw sigh - or it's Morgana's - Aaw sad - and it suits her.

I also like those little patches of light that add texture over the whole scene and Gwen being strong, this is lovely.


starry_laa February 17 2010, 17:23:16 UTC
Guh, that's just amazing! Arthur's eye...Gwen's hair- what is it with you and drawing *amazing* hair?! I love the look on Gwen's face too.


keenan24 February 17 2010, 17:36:08 UTC
WOW WOW WOW There are no words
This is wonderful, you've completely captured Gwen here, especially the thousand expressions in their eyes, you really brought a soul to the characters you portrayed.
And the hair, how perfect is the hair lol
I also love the little circles of light you put on the drawing, on Gwen's hair, it renders the drawing even more real.
Me likes very much:)


winwin7 February 17 2010, 18:01:30 UTC
Lovely piece dear.
Gwen's eyes are so expressive. Love all the circle shades you put in.


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