LoVe Jam
Veronica Mars with
Logan Echolls
Veronica_Mars: Last year, I tried my hand at being normal.
Logan_Echolls: And what a raging success that was.
VM: The normal plan included a normal job and a normal boyfriend.
LE: Who wasn't me. Are you insinuating that I am not normal?
VM: Yes. The other integral part of the normal plan was having a normal past time. Wallace decided that this past time should be watching TV.
Specifically, NBC's The Office, and though I was initially skeptical, I fell hard for this show about average, everyday people just trying to stay sane (some not so successfully) while at work. Anyway, last season we left the gang at Dunder Mifflin on Casino Night and it was quite the cliffhanger. Jim confessed his love for engaged co-worker Pam.
LE: And she didn't say anything back. For the record, it really hurts when people do that.
VM: Yeah, it does.
LE: It really, really hurts. A lot.
VM: I know how much it hurts.
LE: Wait, are we both claiming that we are Jim in this relationship?
VM: Well I'm certainly not Pam.
LE: HA! You so are. I'm Jim, you're Pam.
VM: No, I'm Jim. Remember when I went to your hotel room, told you how I felt and you said nothing?
LE: You only did that because I told you how I felt first--so you tell me--and then you ran off, thus necessitating your early morning visit.
VM: I'm Jim. But let's drop it and move on as there was one other event that occurred that bares mentioning. After Jim told Pam he loved her, Pam left and called her mom. That's when Jim walked into the room, with tears in his eyes, and kissed her.
LE: And Pam was definitely into the kissing. But then the kiss ended, Jim stepped back, and that's where they left us.
VM: So now we're going to discuss the fallout of these events. So if you haven't yet seen the first two episodes of season three, "Gay Witch Hunt" and "The Convention," and wish to remain unspoiled, then steer clear.
LE: When season three starts, it's three months later and there have been quite a few changes to the office. Ryan the temp is no longer a temp - he's got Jim's old job - and Jim took that transfer to Stamford.
VM: But don't worry J/AM fans. Pam called off the wedding and she and Roy are apparently over. Which is good. I never liked that guy.
LE: Yes you did.
VM: No, I just thought that as he made Pam happy at the time then that's who she should be with. But she's not that girl anymore and Roy isn't right for her now. I gotta say, I'm really proud of Pam. It's tough to walk away from a relationship, but she did it, and is finally finding her own way. She's got her own place now and is taking art classes. Jim would be proud if he knew but he doesn't because he's in Stamford, adjusting to a new crazy co-worker, Andy, played by The Daily Show's Ed Helms. Though Jim's new boss, Josh, is a nice, normal guy compared to Michael, Andy handles Jim's pranks with even less grace than Dwight, leaving Jim feeling out of place.
LE: As for Michael and Dwight, they're still Michael and Dwight, eternally clueless and insensitive. In "Gay Witch Hunt," Michael outs Oscar and, in an attempt to prove that he is not homophobic, he kisses him. No one enjoys it except those of us in the audience. Their embarrassment is our amusement.
VM: The second episode,"The Convention," sees Jim, Dwight and Michael reunite at the office-supply convention. Michael still feels hurt because Jim took the transfer and Jim discovers that he misses Dwight... Well, he misses playing pranks on Dwight. Logan, favorite line?
LE: When Michael saw Jim at the convention and attempted to hail him as the prodigal son, "The prod...the son returns." Great delivery from Steve Carell. You?
VM: Mine was also from Michael: "I was shocked when he told me he was transferring to Stamford. It's like with fireman, you don't leave your brothers behind. Even if you find out that there is a better fire in Connecticut."
All in all, it was a very strong season opening for The Office. The writing has been sharp and funny as ever and the entire cast brought their A-game. They're handling Jim's departure from Scranton really well.
LE: Agreed but I don't think they need to set up another love interest for Pam in Toby. Haven't these characters been in enough love triangles already?
VM: I'll say. What's wrong with a nice, normal relationship?
LE: They're boring.
VM: On that note, I think we're done. Oh, and I'm Jim.
LE: I'm Jim. Also: the editor.
[Editorial note: I have not heard from her for awhile and she has not reviewed the latest episode of Supernatural yet, but here is a link to Gia's recap of "Everybody Loves a Clown" for those of you still catching up.]
Ride Me Home
Dick Casablancas Dick_Casablancas: What up Neptune!!! Your regularly scheduled editor-in-chief is busy with some class work, or whatever that **** is called, so I have been left in charge of moderating this debate. I normally would say no, but since I am crashing in his casa while he is in fake jail, I thought this would be entertaining. So dudes and dudettes, take it away!
Moe: Aren’t you supposed to provide an introduction or something? None of the readers will have any clue who we are and what we are discussing if you don’t.
Dick_Casablancas: Wait, you guys are supposed to be talking about something? I thought everybody was just supposed to chat. We could talk about all the fine ladies of Zeta Theta Beta! They ****ing love ****! ****, why is my name blurred?
[Tech Support note: It’s because the filter is interpreting it as inappropriate. Learn to not talk in third person and it won’t happen to you again, Dick]
Fern: You frat scum are freaking idiots! You're swine. Just wait, my fellow sisters will get your dumb, cesspool houses shut down for good.
Dick_Casablancas: Holy ****, your name is Fern! Is that why you’re so bitter? And Moe? Come on. Mow the Fern, Moe.
Moe: Fellow humans, let us not entangle ourselves in conflict. And Mr. Casablancas, Fern and I were actually asked here today to discuss the Safe Ride Home program. Why don’t we start that now?
Dick_Casablancas: Oh you guys suck! I totally was about to get some in a cart a couple of nights ago when the lesbo driver elbowed my goods, and pushed me out! She must have really wanted ****!
Fern: Like I would want anything from a disgusting animal like you. You disrespect my cart, I get even. And I’ll have you know you are banned from the safe ride program. Just like all frat pigs should be banned from the school.
Dick_Casablancas: That was you? Holy crapola, you are fug! Shave your legs and take that ugly-ass ring out of your nose. You already look enough like a bull, that thing just draws more attention to you!
Dick_Casablancas has left the room.
Cindy_Mackenzie has entered the room.
Cindy_Mackenzie: Hello everyone. I am taking over as the moderator because clearly nothing was going to get done with Dick in charge. I don’t know why Logan would even think it was a slightly good idea to use Dick as a discussion leader. Moving on, the Safe Ride Home program was started a couple of years ago to help prevent drunk driving incidents. Ever since its start, the number of Hearst students pulled over for DUIs has been greatly reduced, and it’s been recognized several times for its positive influence to the campus. Today I will be talking with two of the program’s employees. If you two could introduce yourselves now that would be great!
Moe: Hello, I’m Moe. This is my second year with the program. I’m also an RA and I do other things around campus. I’m currently trying to start a Sci-fi club.
Fern: Fern.
Cindy_Mackenzie: Oookay! So what are your thoughts on the program?
Moe: In a perfect world, the program wouldn’t be necessary, but we’re not on the Battlestar Gallactica, and people here do unintelligent things. Since I myself much prefer tea to tequila, I use the program as a way to earn a little money, while helping protect my classmates.
Fern: It is a good program, but I for one am sick of having to pick up dumb sorority girls who get all tarted up and think they are god’s gift to Earth. They give real sisters bad names, and are the reasons boys think they can dominate our kind.
Cindy_Mackenzie: It’s not always the sorority girls who use the service, Fern.
Fern: It’s always the greeks. The evil, evil greeks. They get all liquored up until they can’t say no and throw themselves at the frat louses. They’re lucky they only come away with a shaved head!
Cindy_Mackenzie: Fern, trust me when I tell you that the shaved head is the least of their problems.
Moe: I agree that a large percentage of the people I pick up are Greek, but there are also lots of people I pick up who don’t like walking home alone after dark, or walking home in the rain. And our program advertises more around the Greek houses then the rest of the campus. A lot of other students don’t know we exist. I’m hoping this article will help spread our domain.
Fern: And help spread the word to shut down the frat houses. Shut down the frat houses!
Cindy_Mackenzie: Well, there you go. For more information on the Safe Ride Home program, search for it on the Hearst website, and call ext. SAFE (7233) for a ride!
Ask Logan
Logan Echolls Dear L,
My girlfriend is jealous of my electric toothbrush. She says I "make out with it" more than I make out with her. I don't get it. I thought girls liked dudes with good dental hygiene. Any advice?
Guy Smiley
Dear G.S.,
I myself am a big believer in the importance of good dental hygiene. My fourth grade teacher told me once, "Let a smile be your umbrella." I didn't sleep right for a week. Seriously. Think about that image literally for a minute. It's incredibly disturbing. Anyway, enough about my childhood trauma. If you're brushing your teeth often enough that your girlfriend complains, maybe you have deeper relationship issues. Not to mention bleeding gums. I suggest you buy your girlfriend an electric toothbrush of her very own so she won't be jealous. A lot of girls I know have a deep affection for devices that vibrate.
- Logan
Dear Logan,
Settle a bet between my roommate and me. Let's say someone were to decide to streak across campus. Don't you think this person should chuck the Chucks and Zorro mask first? Don't they count as clothing? After all, if the streaker were, by chance, fulfilling a bet, I would think that means his first streak was forfeit, and he should re-streak. What say you?
Likes 'Em Bare
Dear Likes 'Em Bare,
The San Diego Municipal Code (Chapter 5, Article 6, §56.53b) defines nudity as, "devoid of an opaque covering which covers the genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, perineum, anus, or anal region of any person." If one were wearing shoes and a mask, one would still be considered naked under the law. In this Advice Columnist's opinion, if one is sufficiently nude to get arrested, one is sufficiently nude to fulfill a wager.
As to the Chucks, bare feet may have been appropriate for our cavemen ancestors, cavorting across the grassy plains of ancient France, pursued by angry, phaser-weilding astronauts. However, in these modern times, the foolhardy barefoot runner faces many perils, including hot asphalt, gravel, soda cans, cigarette butts, Thai restaurant menus, and dog dookie. I cannot stress enough the importance of selecting appropriate footwear for engaging in vigorous outdoor activities, particularly if one is legally nude at the time, and running through an area designated as "public right of way," in which nudity is frowned upon, including, but not limited to, "a street, sidewalk, curb, gutter, crossing, intersection, parkway, highway, alley, lane, mall, court, way, avenue, boulevard, road, roadway, viaduct, subway, tunnel, bridge, thoroughfare, square, and any other similar public way." (§56.53d) Sturdy and comfortable footwear is as crucial to one's physical well-being as proper dental hygiene.
As for the mask, it's just that they're terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future.
- Logan
Dear Logan,
Last week you outed yourself, saying you had to attend classes now. How did your time in Sociology go this week?
Dear Wallace,
I can't imagine what I was thinking, skipping all those classes. College life is the life for me. I'm going to keep changing my major so I can stay here year after year after year after year. And one day, if I'm very, very lucky, I'll be as smart as you. I get all gooey just thinking about it.
- Logan
P.S. You're also "Likes 'Em Bare," aren't you? Don't lie. I'm telling Veronica you wanted to see me naked.
Have a question for Logan?
Send an email to
"I will not strut around like
I own the place"
Stosh "Piz" Piznarski It’s really hard to talk about a show that’s been on the air almost as long as I’ve been alive, but ever since Wallace told me
his Sociology prof sounds like Homer Simpson I have been thinking of this little sketch cartoon that started as part of The Tracy Ullman Show before going out on its own in December of 1989.
It’s about a family of five living in Springfield, USA. (I’m fairly certain that somewhere it has been discovered that they are in Missouri, but I can’t remember. Based on the mayor's accent, it could also be Massachusetts. I'm just glad Bart didn't grow up in my hometown or there would have been a "Beaverton" joke in every episode of The Simpsons.) So there’s Homer, who works for the nuclear power plant and loves Duff beer and television. His beautiful blue-haired wife Marge stays at home with Maggie, their youngest child, while Bart and Lisa each go to school. Bart is an underachiever, not unlike someone Wallace knows, and Lisa is an overachiever, also not unlike someone Wallace knows. The townspeople are also usually involved in one way or another. Some of most frequent re-occuring characters are the filthy rich owner of the power plant, the corrupt mayor, the town drunk, the bumbling sheriff police chief, and the owner of the local convenience store.
Halloween is coming up and ever since their first in the second season, The Simpsons has been known for its Halloween specials. Even more so maybe than the number of movies, TV shows, books, songs, and current events that have been referenced on the show. I am a big fan of those, but I also love when the show borrows plot devises from other shows. One of my all-time favorite episodes revolved around who shot Mr. Burns. A brilliant cliffhanger from one season to the next with clues being available in Bart’s favorite candy car, Butterfingers. The true killer was revealed to be Maggie.
I went around to ask everyone else their favorite episodes and was treated to the following answers.
Veronica: The one where Lisa goes to the National Spelling Bee and is told to cheat in order to get into the Seven Sisters College of her choice.
Logan: Any episode with Sideshow Bob trying to kill Bart.
Wallace: That one where Homer hallucinates at the Chilli cookoff and finds that coyote to show him the meaning of life.
Mac: That one where Lisa meets that cool girl who is voiced by Christina Ricci.
Dick: Duffman! Anything with The Duffman rules. Hmm... I wonder where the beer in the Grand is right now?
Other favorite episodes among other friends include "Dead Putting Society," "Marge vs. the Monorail," "Rosebud," "Bart of Darkness," "Bart Sells His Soul," "The Simpson 138th Episode Spectacular," "22 Short Films about Springfield," and "Simpsons Bible Stories."
The show has also introduced words and catchphrases into the lexicon, from "Eat my shorts," to "D’oh" (written in a script as annoying grunt), to Homer’s propensity to coo "Mmmm" at items he finds delicious. The Simpsons is the longest running animated show with its 18th season starting this year. There is also a movie in the works. If you were lucky enough to be at
Comic Con this summer, there was a panel with Matt Groening and some rough cuts of the film where shown. The movie will open the same year that The Simpsons celebrates its twentieth year as a cartoon. The movie's cast will most likley include famous guest stars since in the first two seasons alone, Springfield had many famous visitors including Kelsey Grammar (Sildeshow Bob), Penny Marshall, James Earl Jones, Tony Bennett, Phil Hartman, and Larry King.
And for some fun, here are a few questions we'd like to see everyone try to answer... The first person to get all three correct will get a prize. Send your answers to
1. Sight gags are also a big part of The Simpsons. What Bart writes on the chalkboard and what happens to the family when they try to sit on the couch is different in almost every credit sequence. What episode is the title of this piece from and which episode features this couch gag?
2. What is the number of regular voiced characters done by Dan Castellaneta?
3. The Marquee at the Church advertises that who is welcome at their services in Special Edna?
Survival of the smartest
Wallace Fennel Wallace_Fennel: We are the champions, my friend.
Logan_Echolls: Thanks for rubbing it in, dude. Nice job pulling the fast one on me, though.
WF: It was the least I could do after the way you played Horshack earlier. You are the master of manipulation.
LE: Correction, I was the master. I’m hanging up my gloves and passing the torch to Dick.
WF: Probably a good idea. But that’s not why I'm here.
LE: Really? I thought we were friends now, man. Do you need a favor that doesn't involve my girlfriend?
WF: Not really. I wanted to ask you about your paper. Have you started thinking about it yet?
LE: Dude. It’s September. The paper isn’t due until December. Who do you think I am, Rory Gilmore? Why are you thinking about this anyway? Wasn't not having to write the paper your prize.
WF: I'll tell you what wasn't, Zorro. Seeing your ass. Hey, I said ass. Did you fix the censor?
LE: For certain people. You made the cut.
WF: Nice. No, I just figured you could get a head start the paper now while the experience is fresh in your mind. Much better than having to worry about it while you’re trying to find ways to hide Veronica’s Christmas presents. Plus, you said you needed another piece for the blog. This could be it.
LE: Good point. You are a master of manipulation yourself. So the paper is on the prisoner/guard relationship, right? I sort of spaced off during that part of class.
WF: Right. The experiment we were part of was modified from this one done by this professor up at Stanford in the 70s.
LE: Thanks for that titbit, Wallace. I’m not that stupid, even if I act like it. I read about Zimbardo’s experiment. It lasted four days and was just really messed up. I mean, anyone who actively wants to participate in a random psychological study without knowing the situation is just asking for trouble.
WF: And we were any better last weekend?
LE: We were pretty tame in comparison actually. Dr. Kinney’s experiment lasted only forty-eight hours and once we were there, we had an out if we wanted it. Plus, we knew what we were getting into from the start.
WF: That’s a fair n. It wasn't anything like a real prison, even if some prisoners were harassed.
LE: Exactly. I mean, Kinney gave us shirts to mimic the uniforms given to the guards and prisoners, but I don’t think it really served much purpose. None of us were identical. Plus, having women in the experiment threw off the relationships.
WF: Don’t forget that one of the worst offenders in Abu Gharib was female. Gender has nothing to do with power dynamics.
LE: That’s an understandment. Veronica Mars: case in point. Sadly, I can’t talk about Veronica in this paper. I can, however talk about why Kinney’s situation failed to work.
WF: How did it not work? Just like the Zimbardo experiment and Abu Gharib, we saw that if you give people control over others, everything goes to hell. And more importantly, do you think it’s wise to take apart his experiment?
LE: It’s my paper, and I’m supposed to write about the prisoner/guard relationship. I can speak from experience. Kinney didn’t force us into any situations that were totally uncomfortable and we weren’t referred to by some randomly assigned number. I still felt like me during the whole thing.
WF: I guess. You weren’t the one getting the brunt of the crap from Rafe, though.
LE: That’s because I wasn’t the weakest link. I also wasn’t forced to wear any ankle chains, which I have to say I appreciated. That is not a pleasant experience.
WF: Wait. Why not include some of your fond memories from your times in jail in the paper? I mean, Lamb did plenty to try and mess with your head, right?
LE: Sure, Lamb put me in the same cell as He Who Shall Not Be Named, but that was just Lamb being an ass like usual.
WF: If you say so, man. I’m just trying to help you think about this paper.
LE: I know. I appreciate the help. I think I can come up with enough situations between what I know about Abu Gharib, Gitmo, Zimbardo’s experiment and my time in the Balboa County Sherrif's department I can charm my way through ten pages.
WF: Cool. I felt like I should contribute something since I tricked your ass.
LE: And then you saw my ass. I think we're even now.
WF: Hardly. Hey, wait, you never told me how you guys paid for all that food you ate when you escaped.
LE: A man never reveals his sources, unless forced to with threat of torture. I'm stronger than most, Wallace.
WF: Right... so is that why you were talking about Pina Coladas and being caught in the rain?
Logan_Echolls has left the chat.
Sound Off: TV Docs
Logan Echolls You have entered room: Sound Off
Logan_Echolls: Sound off time!
Wallace_Fennel: Aren’t you going to give us the topic?
Logan_Echolls: Of course, Fennel. I just wanted to make sure none of you knew what it was ahead of time because I wanted our discussion to be spontaneous. A while ago, my lovely girlfriend and I were having a debate that was never quite settled. I mean, I was right of course, but she still wouldn’t change her mind. I decided to make a sound off topic out of it, just so she could see how right I was.
Veronica_Mars: No, Logan, crying during The Lion King does not prove what a man you are.
Logan_Echolls: It sure does! But that is off topic. Today’s topic is TV doctors.
Veronica_Mars: Dr. House would so beat Dr. Cox in a fight.
Logan_Echolls: Dr. House has a cane! Dr. Cox would fight dirty and kick his ass!
Veronica_Mars: House would use his cane as a weapon! And House would fight just as dirty as Cox would.
Cindy_Mackenzie: Maybe you guys should clarify things for people not in the know a.k.a people not sitting on Logan’s bed right now.
Veronica_Mars: Hey, I’m sitting on his sofa!
Logan_Echolls: Don’t worry Mac, Veronica is fully clothed, and Dick is here too. How dare you suggest I would do something to tarnish her virtue. "You don’t get to call her a whore!:
Parker_Lee: Hey, Logan just quoted Grey’s Anatomy, my favorite medical drama. I used to be such a Mer/Der fan, but now, like Meredith, I’m torn now between the sweet Finn, and the drop dead gorgeous Dr. McDreamy!
Wallace_Fennel: I’ll admit it, I like Grey’s Anatomy, but only because Sandra Oh is fine!
Dick_Casablancas: I like the blonde chick. Especially in that episode where she strips.
Parker_Lee: I love Izzie. She is so sad though. I can relate to her. I mean, she started off as the perky blonde who everyone just assumed was a bimbo just because she was pretty and friendly, and then something horrible happened to her and she is lost and not sure where she belongs or how to move forward. And Mac, you’re like my Meredith! You picked me up off the bathroom floor!
Cindy_Mackenzie: I’d rather be your George. He wants to be there for Iz, but he is bumbly and awkward, yet he will never stop being a loyal friend.
Veronica_Mars: Meredith is annoying. Derek is annoying too. Neither one can make up their mind and they hurt other people because of it. I only tolerate the show because of Addison and Bailey. Both of them are kick-ass and have no problem putting people in their place. Yang is pretty cool too. If I was an intern, I’d probably be her.
Logan_Echolls: Because you’re not a people person or because you always have to be the best at everything?
Veronica_Mars: I was going to say because I’m very driven. I am so a people person! I just tend to make more enemies than friends out of them.
Logan_Echolls: Whatever you say, sugarpuss. Now why don’t we move on to the best medical show ever. No folks, not ER, Scrubs!
Parker_Lee: I’ve never seen it. When it it on?
Logan_Echolls: According to
The Futon Critic, I should "expect Scrubs and Medium to return in 2007, joined by new comedies Andy Barker, P.I. (starring Andy Richter) and The Singles Table."
Parker_Lee: Ooh, is it a drama like Medium?
Logan_Echolls: No. Like The Office, Scrubs is a sitcom without a laugh track and it is just as funny. It is told through the eyes (and mind) of John Dorian, aka J.D. We follow his life as he moves up from a young intern at a new hospital to a seasoned resident, and he is quite a character. I love the ongoing rivalry of J.D. and the Janitor, who always tries to find new ways to torture him.
Veronica_Mars: You only love J.D. because he is the only guy more fey then you are. Scrubs is alright, if only for Dr. Cox. But Dr. Cox would still get his ass kicked by Dr. House. And no, I will not lend you Wallace so you guys can dress up as J.D. in black face and Turk in white face for Halloween.
Logan_Echolls: Dude, it would be so awesome!
Wallace_Fennel: Oh hell no! I’d rather do Piz’s Crockett and Tubbs idea.
Parker_Lee: Oh, I love Colin Farrell. He was an awesome Crockett!
Logan_Echolls: Colin Farrell actually guest starred in an episode of Scrubs. In fact, Scrubs is known for having a bunch of hilarious guest stars and cameos like Matthew Perry, Jason Bateman, Heather Locklear, and they are trying to get David Cross on as Tobias Fünke.
Stosh_Piznarski: Crockett and Tubbs would be so cool! Anyways, I love J.D. too. I’ve always wanted a Turk so I could be J.D. And I would love a little blonde Elliot. Anyone here up for it?
Cindy_Mackenzie: I heard Scrubs is having a musical episode written by the same guys who did Avenue Q. I’m interested to see it as I’m sure it will be very funny! I think Jordan Cox is my favorite character. Her little speech at the end of the first season where she made sure to ruin every other character’s day made me fall in love with the show. By the way, is Keith the intern played by
Connor Larkin?
Dick_Casablancas: Dude, I think The Todd is based off me! I should start going by The ****. Show The **** some love!
Veronica_Mars: Just wanted you all to know that Logan actually just high fived Dick. I’m dating a twelve year old.
Dick_Casablancas: Wait, why can Ronnie say **** and I can’t?
Cindy_Mackenzie: Because god hates you.
Logan_Echolls: I think Mac set up the server so everyone could say Dick besides you because if you said it you were either being dirty or talking in third person, neither of which are acceptable by her standards.
Cindy_Mackenzie: You know, god hates you conveyed all that but in a lot less words.
Logan_Echolls: What can I say, I’m verbose. Speaking of verbose, what does everyone think about House M.D.?
Veronica_Mars: House isn’t really verbose.
Logan_Echolls: No, but Wilson is.
Veronica_Mars: Touché. Anyways, House is the best medical show on air. Hugh Laurie is brilliant as the snarky and damaged Dr. House, who cares much more about solving the puzzle of the disease then saving the patient’s life. So much of the show is a tribute to Sherlock Holmes, including the names (House=Holmes, Wilson=WallaceWatson), House’s drug use, and his desire/capability to solve the insolvable.
Logan_Echolls: You got that entire spiel from IMDb. House is a grumpy bastard and he has no respect for poor Cameron. The only funny part of the show is House dealing with the Clinic patients.
Stosh_Piznarski: I love watching House. I started watching because there was nothing else to watch Tuesdays at 9, but now I am hooked. Luckily it is the kind of show you can TiVo because this year Tuesdays at 9 are a whole different ballgame. Though this seasson started off bad, with House not a bitter cripple, but now the cane is back and his attitude is snarkier then ever! I loved the last episode, when he wouldn’t leave Cuddy alone until she put his old, bloodstained carpet back in.
Veronica_Mars: Ooh, and the young girl who was in "love" with him. Great B-plot. And the actress was seriously
a blonde Carrie Bishop.
Wallace_Fennel: Those clinic patients do make the show. Though sometimes I think the writers make House too smart. But then again, V here always manages to know crazy things like Dr. House does, so I guess there are really people as observant as he is.
Parker_Lee: I don’t like how mean House is. He has no respect for anyone or anything. But Dr. Chase is so cute! I love his accent!
Veronica_Mars: Chase would be cute if he wasn’t so damn annoying. He always tries to suck up to House, even though he hates him. Cameron is aggravating too. She can never make a decision about anything, and she is always trying to get House to listen to her morals. She needs to learn that House clearly does not agree with her, and to just let it go. I’m actually alright with Foreman, except when he gets in House’s way. I won’t even begin to say how I feel about Wilson, after all, most of it would be censored.
Logan_Echolls: You need to settle down. "It's just a TV show" as they say. But yeah, Wilson needs to not talk. Though I did like him in that episode where him and House were pranking each other and he sawed down House’s cane so it broke when they were walking.
Wallace_Fennel: You would like that. I like Wilson. He is a loyal friend who looks out for House, because he knows House won’t look out for himself. But I don’t like this new storyline with him encouraging Cuddy to lie to House.
Logan_Echolls: House and Wilson need to just do it already. Wilson is so obviously in love with him. And while they are at it, House should invite Cuddy along. That way there won’t be so much unresolved sexual tension and those three can actually have other feelings on screen.
Veronica_Mars: I don’t disagree with that.
Dick_Casablancas: Dude, I’d be up for a threesome. Except I’d be the only dude. Three way five!
Veronica_Mars: We’re not talking about Scrubs anymore Dick, you can stop acting like the Todd. And Logan, don’t you dare high five him.
Logan_Echolls: Too late. And I think this is a great place to conclude sound off. But before we sign off, let’s take a vote. Who would win in a fight between Dr. House and Dr. Cox?
Veronica_Mars: House, no question Cox
Dick_Casablancas: The **** Cox
Wallace_Fennel: Probably House, because I don’t see Cox as very violent Cox
Stosh_Piznarski: House Cox
Parker_Lee: House is so mean and I don’t know who Cox is so House Cox
Cindy_Mackenzie: Cox
Logan_Echolls: And I vote Cox! See Veronica, Cox blows out the competition in a 7-0 victory!
What about you, dear readers? What do you think?
Poll Battle of the network doctors Special thanks go out to
rowanlove and
spadada. Want to show your appreciation for all their hard work?
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