yeah. i'm still not dead. for now, i guess.
[Screened to Team Vri-Tessera \\ Unhackable]
i've been keeping an eye on sasuke-kun. he's gone to kimimaro which would normally be really bad news but i haven't seen any signs that he'll turn the kid over to orochimaru. maybe we got lucky for once and this kimimaro actually isn't a snake-loving idiot. on the other hand he could just be waiting for a signal from the boss.
anyway, they're only one floor below us so it's easy for me to keep watch. bad news is we'll have to hold off on that plan we were considering, sirius. there won't be any way to sneak past kimimaro and it's way too dangerous for you guys.
doesn't seem to be a rush anyway. hey naruto, you just take it easy, got it?
hey chouji, you need help cleaning up that crappy room? it's a pain but i guess i've got extra time to help you out now that sasuke's off my hands.