Work on naming the BaCC continues, and I've narrowed it down to *Something* Hollow. Any suggestions?
Autumn has arrived for the little settlement, and preparations for winter are in full swing. There's foodstores to be stocked, walls and roofs to be insulated, and work has started on protecting the new generator and water purifyer from the frosts.
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Comments 17
I never comment, but I really like the way you are playing this neighborhood. You make it look realistic, somehow - even though it's Maxis Match, which I love. As for the baby bottle replacement, loverat @MTS has made one. :)
Also, I'm stunned by the hood picture. THAT SKY. WHAT IS IT. :D
The sky is one of the neighbourhoodobjectq that I'm currently testing for nimi4. It's absolutely gorgeous, I hope she releases it soon :)
Looking forward to the next update. :)
Really loving reading about your BaCC, and I've had a look at your rules and am thinking of giving it a go myself. I was wondering if I could ask a wcif though? What skin defaults are you using as the skin is lovely and smooth looking, yet also beautifully EAxis-y. Thanks :)
I'm really enjoying the BaCC with my rules, but then again, they're mine, so maybe that's not much of a reference :)
The skins I use are by Leh, you can find them here: Really rare as they're a complete set!
A coup would be good entertainment, I was expecting that there would be one in my BaCC with all those Pleasure and Romance Sims against a Knowledge founder!
And Flora is adorable, I think she looks a lot like Lily, but she also got something that reminds me of Felix. The nose maybe?
That sky on the neighbourhood view is amazing! I can't wait to snag it from Nimi! :D
I'm a bit ahead of the posting schedule while playing though, I'll take pics ingame and post a castlist when the updates reach the same timeframe.
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