With or without U (1/2)

Feb 15, 2011 21:57

Title: With or without U - First Part.
Pairing: Minho/Hara/Jinwoon
Genre: Romance and a little bit angst.
Rating: PG
Summary: She loves her boyfriend even if...
A/N: Sorry for grammar mistakes.

Hara looked at the young man with an insistent manner. She tried again to understand what he said to her.

- Hara?
- Sorry Minho, I accept for sure.

And then she already accepted to take a coffee with Choi Minho the next day. She was a little surprised the he asks her so suddenly, especially with the fact that she never feel any interests for her. Some minutes later, Nicole and Key arrived with a big smile on their face and Hara understood that they were in this story. But she wasn’t really disturbed because she had a big crush on Minho since high school. Minho left them, with a smile and made a wave in Hara’s direction. He went out the coffee shop where they were.

- What have you do together? Asked suddenly Hara.
- We just push Minho to say what he feels.
- So it’s true?
- What?
- That he wants take a coffee with me tomorrow?
- Sure stupid girl.

Hara blushed and began to laugh. She didn’t really know if it was the good attitude.

- Minho has a crush on me, Minho has a crush on me! She began to sing like a child and went to take more beer when two other persons came at their table.

- Oh Mir and Jinwoon, said happily Key.
- What’s going on here? Asked Mir with a look in the direction of Hara.
- Minho asked her.
- And is it good? Asked again Mir.
- Yes idiot, she is love with him for a long time.
- I always thought that she was in love with his older brother.
- Donghae? No way! Said Nicole.
- What’s the problem Jinwoon? You’re sad that another person from the band has a girlfriend?
- We’ll not be able to go out with him, except if he is with Hara…
- Can you be gentler Jinwoon, please! Asked Nicole.
- Oh you are here guys! Said Hara with three bottles of beer.

Without a world, Jinwoon helped her and took one in his hand.

- Thanks Jinwoon, said the young woman with a smile.
- You’re welcome, he answered with a haughty tone.
- Always the same, she grumbled.
- So tomorrow we want a complete resume of your day, said Nicole.
- We don’t care.
- Sometimes Jung Jinwoon can be adorable and a second after he’ll be the most dreadful guy on earth, commented Hara like if everyone didn’t hear her.


Hara didn’t want to do a lot for their first date. She decided to keep her hair down and wore casual clothes. She didn’t wait a long time the young man in front of their usual coffee shop, he said hi and took her hand in the direction of the subway.

- Where are we go? Asked the young woman.
- To an exhibition, he answered with a smile.

She was a little surprised: a soccer player like him couldn’t take her to an exhibition. She smiled shyly and followed him in the subway.

It was an English painter’s exhibition from the XIX century and Hara was a little shocked because it was her favorite artistic period. She only felt Minho’s look on her when she precipitated herself in the direction of any paints.

- Have you be helped?
- Just a little. I hope you love what you just saw.
- A lot.
- So, I’m gad. Now we can go to drink this coffee, the date was this at the beginning.

She already forgot the principal idea of their date and was a little surprised when she felt Minho’s hand touch her.


Their first kiss was some days later at a party in Mir’s house. The lights switched off suddenly for the Key’s birthday cake and Minho took Hara’s face in his hand and kissed her so gently that she didn’t know what happen right now. She never imagined a first kiss like this between them: It was so romantic and secret. Nobody saw them and when the lights switched on, she was really red.

Jinwoon was the same with her, a sarcastic guy who disparaged every time. She tried since the beginning of their friendship to be friendly and nice with him but it didn’t work. She was with Minho for three months now and he was always the same even if her boyfriend was here. When she met him during the party, she went to the top of the house to take something in her bag. But he wasn’t alone.

- Hi Hara! Said the young woman with him.
- Seohyun…
- So you have been going out with Minho since November?
- Exactly.

Hara knew that Seohyun and Minho was lover an year before. She wasn’t the jealous type but they were the perfect couple during two years and Hara hated this. She shot Jinwoon a black look.

- Hey Seohyun do you want something to drink? He asked.
- Sure, so… Bye Hara.

The left her and Hara felt a strange feeling inside her chest, like if something could happen.

Some hours later, Minho took her back and kissed her for the second time. She forgot what’s happen before about Seohyun and went in her house after a last wave for Minho.


She knew the fact, she shouldn’t be jealous. But when you see your boyfriend with his ex, talking in a low tone, you’re a little bit nervous. She didn’t hear Mir and Dongwoon, arrived next to her with chips in their hands.

- So you understand the rules now? Asked Dongwoon.
- Urf.
- And are you beginning to like it?
- It’s crazy how I hate soccer. But I come here only for Minho.
- Why is Seohyun talk to him? Demand Mir.
- I don’t know.
- But you’re not jealous… It’s strange.
- I try to be a perfect girlfriend, but they still friend. How can I deal with this?
- And? If Nana was friend with her ex, I tell her.
- Yeah but you are her first boyfriend idiot! Notified Key.
- Shut up.
- But where are Key and Nicole? Asked Hara.
- Probably with Jinwoon, he has a Taekwondo’s competition today.
- Oh...
- We wanted to stay with you a bit.
- Thanks guys.

Hara glances at Minho’s direction and didn’t breathe a word. She loved him so much but the pain in her heart was so intense, she wasn’t able to deal with something like that. Just a few minutes before the beginning, Minho had a look at her and smiled, but again, the fear was more and more stronger.

- Can we leave guys?
- What? Said in same voice Mir and Dongwoon.
- I can’t be here more.
- Okay.

They stood up and Hara glances for the last at Minho. She felt the tears whose came and walked very quickly. They arrived to Dongwoon’s car and took the direction of the taekwondo’s gym.
They found three places next to Key and Nicole who were a little surprised to see them here, especially Hara.


- We should break up Minho...
- Why?
- Because even if I’m really in love with you, I don’t think it’s mutual.
- Hara...
- No. I don’t understand how you can spend an evening with Seohyun when you should be with me.
- You’re just jealous Hara.
- I know, but I also want to trust you. So I think it’s over between us.

She left him without a look because she knew that she’d cry like a little girl. She met Nicole in her way home and the tears came out when she crashed in her arms.

- It’ll be all right, told Nicole. Everything will be all right, we’re here for you.

kr: kara, kr: 2am, kr: shinee, fandom: shining kara, fandom: 91-line, type: english, pairing: minho/hara, pairing: jinwoon/hara

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