Dear RPers of the world. Please learn how names work. Just because you know how American names work, and how Japanese names work... does not mean you now know how all the names in the world work! Please pleeeeeeeease do a little research before you attempt to create an ethnic character.
Even more lovely. I think I love everything by Rossini EVER. Around 2:49... exquisite. Listening to his overtures is like listening to a conversation between instruments. He always has sections where the sections seem to "answer" each other. I love the way he
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I brought a sheet and I must say, Kat was very quick behind me. We claimed our space in two seconds flat. (The videos will show that I am not exaggerating.) It was quite lovely.
This online class has been the most godawful school experience I've ever had. This professor leaves us messages on the Anouncement section of the program for the class as if she's absolutely justified in being a holier-than-thou BITCH when in fact she's been absent from the class for a MONTH
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When I visit you and the moon Isn't around to show me the way, Comets of longing set my heart So much ablaze, the earth is lit By the holocaust under my ribs.