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Comments 36

magpieinthesky May 20 2009, 06:14:43 UTC
This picspam = love :)

LAWL @ The End of the World reference! Ha!

I like your analysis, esp. "Though it should have been obvious she was faking it, since we all know she's an "I love you" prude. " - I feel like this should have been a HUGE red flag to... like, everyone, not least of all Barney. But he does have his own issues, so.

Okay, and am I the only one who thinks that Cobie's hair stylist this past season should be fired? I mean, look at Lily's hair - it's slammin'! And Robin's? I completely agree with Marshall when he says, "Eh!" And it's been that way all season. I forgave her like I forgave Marshall's hair when they were unemployed, but now she has to be on TV. No excuse.
/stupid hair rant


neonbliss May 20 2009, 14:58:55 UTC
Aww, I'm glad you liked the picspam! :) And you get a cookie for catching the End of the World reference!! :D WTF, mate?

I think it was hard for Barney to distance himself enough from the situation to realize that he was Mosbying him. I think he wanted to hear it so badly, that he completely believed her, and then proceeded on feeling smothered and ruffled her hair. But if Ted had been there, I think even he would have been like, "WTF!? I CALL SHENANIGANS! THIS WOMAN IS AN 'I LOVE YOU' PRUDE!" hahahaha...

Umm, I completely agree with you on the hair stylist, but I also need to add her makeup person to the list! I'm actually in the process of gathering caps to explicitly show how she has gone from super hot to kinda 'eh' (as Marshall says) in this season. I've been wanting to bring this issue up for a while, but I thought maybe I was the only one who noticed she was looking strange lately.

I'll definitely be making that picspam now that I know you also noticed it. Maybe more people have too, and they haven't brought it up either.


magpieinthesky May 20 2009, 16:25:28 UTC
Haha, I love it when people use the expression "I call shenanigans"... it's just so silly :D

And THANK YOU for noticing the hair and general unawesomeness (salutes) of Robin's appearance this year! I'm sorry but it's definitely not Cobie, and it's not pregnancy that's doin' it - we've seen her all dolled up for that HIMYM fan discussion thingie, and Lily looks just fine. I'd been unwilling to say it because I didn't want to sound like a beyotch, but, well... looking good is part of the business. And they FAILED Robin!

So, YES! DO IT! I'm very excited to see what you come up with for this picspam :D


neonbliss May 20 2009, 16:45:41 UTC
I could totally see Ted yelling, "I call shenanigans!" and Robin being like, "aw, crap." I also have a weird love for that word. It sounds so funny saying it out loud.

Yeah, I haven't mentioned it before, because it's usually after an awesome episode and everyone's on this high and squeeing! in the comms, and I don't wanna be the person who goes, "...yeah but Robin looked like ass the whole time." You know?

They really failed Cobie/Robin! I mean, even Aly, who really showed her pregnancy in her face with her puffy cheeks still managed to look cute and hot with her hair and great make up. Robin just looked kinda run down with flat hair and pretty "meh" make up. :\

I'm collecting caps as we speak! But you have to promise to back me up when I post it, so I don't look like the mean bitch picking on awesome Scherbatsky, okay? Haha! :P


secondmezzanine May 20 2009, 06:29:52 UTC
Awww. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Love the picspam and love you.


neonbliss May 20 2009, 14:59:19 UTC
Why, thank you! :D


idioticonion May 20 2009, 06:33:35 UTC
I loved this. *sigh*
Can you make animated 100x100 icons?
I'm desperate for "the kiss" or the Barney/Ted hug!


neonbliss May 20 2009, 15:16:19 UTC
Thanks, I hope you are getting over your bitterness of the ep, because it really was a cute ep. I'm happy I was spoiler free (as far as crazy promos go), because after watching the ep, and then watching the promos, I think I'd have been kinda pissed too. I'm still kinda upset that CBS even put that in their promo! I think it ruined it for some people.

I didn't make that gif, wowsugarpuss_ made it, so sadly I don't know how to make animated icons. :\ I'd love an icon of the kiss too!


chokethewind May 20 2009, 07:03:27 UTC
This was awesome. <3

I couldn't stop watching that gif. In fact, once I am done commenting, I will probably go back up and watch it like twelve more times.


neonbliss May 20 2009, 16:07:48 UTC
Thanks! I thought it was kinda awesome too. ^_^

Yeah, when I found that gif I must have watched it over and over and almost got hypnotized by it. I envy people who can make gifs!


roland44 May 20 2009, 07:35:05 UTC
>Hokay, so here is the earth rooftop. Damn, that is one sweet rooftop, you might say! WRONG.

I LOVE THAT VIDEO! It is the craziest most addictive thing I've ever seen in my life! You are now even awesomer in my eyes =)

Lovely picspam! I made a Ted picspam yesterday and I now know how tough it is to take caps, adjust color, upload and add captions to them!! That gif was definitely more powerful than their kiss. It really is an indicator of things to come!


neonbliss May 20 2009, 16:15:46 UTC
THE END OF THE WORLD VIDEO IS THE GREATEST CREATED EVER! Haha, yay! I'm glad you caught that! Only one other person did so far.

Thanks! I just saw your Ted picspam now, so I'll head over to check it out in a sec. Oh man, I always say I want to do epic picspams, but I forget how tedious they are to do. I'm actually working on another one that is focused on Robin but I'm le tired.

The kiss was fun, and I'm glad I was unspoiled for it, because it was great to see for the first time in the context of the show and not a promo, but the look they shared at the end before the leap was WAY MORE EPIC! I'm looking forward to S5! :)


roland44 May 24 2009, 17:22:54 UTC
I TOTALLY forgot to reply to this comment. What can I say, I was le tired and forgot to respond to your awesome second reference to the most awesome Youtube video in the world which Barney would definitely force Marshall to watch in the office ;)


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