Title: Secret Santa fic for Majincammy: Haunted 2/3
Author: Neolithicdream
Pairing/Character: Calzona
Rating: PG-13
Summary: For Majincammy, who gave an amazing prompt even if it terrified the living daylights out of me to write. "A christmas-y fanfic where Arizona is greeted by. Mark's ghost in a dream and shown how her life would be crap
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Comments 15
The story is really getting better. I really like how Mark is interacting with Arizona's past and weaving it into the conversation. I really can't wait for the big finish!
Thank you so much again!
Plan is that the Present will be fairly short allowing for a Dismal future ( let's just say I may be going OTT with the misery :-D ) and then back to real present when Arizona has to decide what she's going to do.
That's the plan but....plan has changed so many times :-(
There might even have to be a very short epilogue
Glad you're enjoying it, believe me , no one will be happier to see final chapter posted than me....even though its fun to write :-D
Thanks for reading and commenting.
Yes, Murphy, you should quit the program and go far far away (lol... sorry, not sorry). I certainly hope she's not the one that finds Arizona - take a hint and stay away (unless tending to a patient).
OKAY - didn't expect to get all ranty... lol, sorry!
I chuckled at Tim and Mark's little bet - of course Tim would nail that one. And with the Future to still go through, me thinks stubborn Arizona is going to have to be knocked in the head by a (toilet?) to get with her truth that she can not and would never leave her family.
This is so great! I hope part 3 is not too far off. :)
All I can promise is that I will post part 3 ( at some point), hopefully soon. it's all written in my head - all 66 versions!
Unfortunately ( for you) I like Leah so she will appear but I promise she won't find Arizona but as things stand she will be kind of pivotal ( you might even like my version of her at end).
(There may be a third party to the bet also :-), FYI )
Full disclosure: I care not for any of the "interns" - of course, Leah going off (in canon) about going after Arizona to take what is hers (or something like that) did not help her in my "tolerate" department, lol.
Whenever you update, keep up the good work. And thanks for sharing your story. :)
Im having fun writing it, possibly too much fun - hence 12,400 words and we've just trundled into the Present.
hopefully will have it up soon(ish)
Fabulous story as per your usual. I can't wait for the next chapter, and I, too, will gladly read all 66 versions. LOL.
I love this, and although I hate waiting for each part, it's always well worth the wait. I think I may have to go back and re-read both parts again (probably the 4th or 5th time).
Great job!
Glad you're still enjoying it, the Present is proving hard to write as Ax will simply be eavesdropping on convos mostly about her, the future is grim...no ones happy!!!!
So on to Chapter 3
Yay! I'll use your chapter 3 as my own reward for getting the next chapter of my fanfic completed. No more reading for me until I get it done. LOL
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