Jun 27, 2010 22:10
Finally got around to watching this. I do believe this is the first new Doctor Who season finale that left me smiling afterwards, rather than going "ARRGGH!"
So... excuse me, this is a fangirly post.
I like how Stephen Moffat actually incorporates time travel into his stories, rather than just using it as a way to get our heroes to the setting of the week and then things proceed linearly from there. Even though timey wimey stuff sometimes gives me a headache. It was so timey-wimey, I'm going to have to WATCH THIS WHOLE SEASON OVER AGAIN (the scene with the Doctor kissing Amy's forehead in the forest and telling her to remember what he said when she was 7... AH! WHY DID I NOT SEE IT BEFORE?). You know, I might even buy the DVD set. I quit doing that after season 2 because the show was starting to piss me off. But NOT ANYMORE, I could totally watch this whole season over again happily.
How awesome is River? She made a Dalek BEG FOR MERCY!
I loved the scene with the Doctor sitting by 7 year old Amelia sleeping in bed. HOW DOES MATT SMITH BECOME SO OLD? And I was disappointed at first that they got a guy younger than me to be the Doctor this time around. In that scene I could imagine him being William Hartnell for crying out loud! HOW DID HE DO THAT?
(And Moffat really understands kids. When I was a kid and would be at the mall or someplace with my mom, I was afraid if I lost her and she couldn't find me, she'd just leave me and I'd have to spend the night there. So imagine a kid watching Amelia in the museum and "OMG THEY ACTUALLY DID LEAVE HER THERE ALL NIGHT!" lol. Doctor Who has turned into a really awesome kid's show once again.)
Amy's parents got eaten by the crack, and THE DOCTOR PUT THEM BACK, and "You're my tiny dad!" was like, a HUGE amount of characterization packed into once sentence. And the Doctor didn't give Amy her family back by some kind of stupid parallel universe thing, it was that she should have had her parents all along, so he fixed it.
So it was all in all a happy, angst-free ending. I LIKE THAT. What a nice change. I can't wait until the Xmas special OT3 goodness! I mean, gosh, they even undid that whole, "you have to choose between a boring domestic live with Rory or an exciting life with the Doctor" BS. Stephen Moffat, I am so sorry for doubting you! I can't believe how satisfying that finale was. (Though I suppose if I want to struggle to be a h8ter, RTD set the bar pretty low as far as season finales go.) The Doctor didn't end up ruining Amy or Rory's lives, he fixed them right up! Because the Doctor is wonderful and he does things like that!
I think the only thing I'm not happy about is that they never showed the ducks back in their duck pond. SHOW THE DUCKS AT XMAS YOU GUYS!
doctor who