Title: "Industrial Inertia"
Series: Black Butler
Genre: Drama, General
Characters/Pairings: OC, drive-by SebaCiel
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Word Count: 1,175
Summary: The current head of Funtom Toy Company has been encountering some difficulties.
Notes: Takes place in
Bicentennial series. Spoilers for the end of season two.
To Read: (
This was the seventh red light she'd hit in as many miles. )
Comments 9
This was ALL SORTS OF ADORABLE. I just. I don't even-- ♥ Okay, one: Anjali Elizabeth Kadar = Canon. YES. I HAVE THAT POWER. Two, I SAW WHAT YOU DID THERE. (You should slap a My Little Pony tag on this post, too. XD) Three, PFFFFFFFFFFFT, CIEL. YOU WOULD DO THAT. X3 Little dick... ♥ Four, OMG THAT ENDING SO CUTE JUST ASDFGHJKL~ *IRL derpy smile*
This made me feel ALL SORTS of happy. :'D Thank you so much, love! This was just perfect! *does lurid thanky jig*
That is so something Ciel would do, too. Poor Anjali... XD
Two, Soma/Lizzie is something I never considered, but I love it. It would work so well, oh my god.
Three, Ponies. I lol'd for real in the middle of blacklights and Rihanna.
Four, I adore this story. Anjali is really cool, with her determination and unwillingness to back down. And Ciel is just dead freakin' perfect, very demonic, but well-mannered and so very, very Ciel. Also, the Arthur Conan Doyle bit cracked me up. And then the ending, oh my god, so sweet, I can't even...I just...I love this so much.
Really? Haha, it occurred to me a while back, after I realized those two really were the only true "innocents" in this series. Also, they're just kind of adorable every time they're in the same scene together. I could imagine them finding comfort in one another after Ciel's "death." Now THAT'S a fic that someone needs to make happen.
Aww, thanks so much! It makes me so happy to know you and Moony liked this, it was way more experimental than I'm usually comfortable with, so I was really, really, REALLY nervous about posting it. XD;;
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