I guess this means were no longer friends

May 10, 2006 18:12

Don't worry people, I'm still alive. The reason I have not updated lately is because I got a promotion at my job, at the Aquarium. Meaning I have less time for myself, which some what sucks, but I'm getting older. I'll update all about that tomorrow ( Read more... )

fights, job, life, msn, x friends, aquarium, calls, friends, kelvin

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Comments 17

replica May 10 2006, 23:14:42 UTC
I've noticed too that the older I get, the less time my best friend and I have to hang out with each other. Even though neither of us have a job, we are both so busy with college and have such different schedules that we can hardly see each other except on breaks :/ It's way different from middle school and highschool when we saw each other every day and often spent weekends together. Maybe when your friend gets older he will realize this himself.


neo_rufus May 12 2006, 19:02:43 UTC
I know what you mean about not seeing your friends during college. Since everybody is into different programs, we were all pretty much separated. Sure I made a few new friends, but nothing can replace old friends.

Hopefully he will understand what I am going through, indeed. I'll still try my very best to patch things up with him...hope it works. :)


nevermind588 May 11 2006, 01:18:32 UTC
I've gained and lost quite a few friends along the way, but the important is to move on and not get caught up in old battles


neo_rufus May 12 2006, 19:04:32 UTC
That's some pretty wise words you have there, not to get caught up in old battle, I like that one. I shall try my very best not to do so. The last thing I want to do is earn back a friend who isn’t so understand...that would be a waste.

Thanks for commenting. :D


neo_rufus May 12 2006, 19:05:03 UTC
Who isn't so understanding*.


xlions_heartx May 11 2006, 04:46:14 UTC
You know... if you give up and move on instead of trying to mend the situation, you are doing exactly what he's claiming you are doing - and that's turning your back on him.

While I don't know the extent of the situation, I do believe that it is safe to say that with some talking, and maybe a good day out, just the two of you, as friends, that this is something that can be patched up.

Try not to worry so much about messages, because someone can say something one day, and mean something different the next, in fact, I bet he only said that to catch your attention because he misses you.

Alot of times with younger friends, they tend to get attached in a big brother/little brother type ordeal, and while it may be annoying at times to try to deal with, keep in mind that he obviously values your friendship, or he wouldn't be trying this hard to make you want to do things with him.

Just keep us all updated, ok?


neo_rufus May 12 2006, 19:11:49 UTC

I see what you mean. So in other words, I'll just be proving his point, huh. Bummer. Friendships are so complicated, but nobody said it would be easy.

Maybe you are right. Perhaps my first attempt to get through to him didn't really owrk because he was still a bit steamed. I would let him cool off for a couple of days, then attempt to speak with him again. I might try and call in sick, so we can hang out...I know it sounds desperate, but it should work.

Hmm, yeah, I guess I would say something like that as well just to catch my lost friend's attention. He probably figured that since I take things a bit to lightly at times, he knew I would just not say anything, and let it fall apart. You sure know allot about friendships. :)

I shall you keep you updated, friend. I thank you so much for the advice. I'll keep your words in mind. I guess it's pretty safe to say were friends now, huh? Take care. :)


neo_rufus May 12 2006, 19:48:57 UTC
By the way, do you like Final Fantasy 8 fan fiction? Just curious.


xlions_heartx May 13 2006, 04:05:32 UTC
Sometimes, yes I do.. it all depends. and for your other message, I'd say we were pretty much friends.


x_shock_me_x May 11 2006, 08:53:14 UTC
first, congrats on your promotion

now, about your friend. What he said to you was unfair. You have lots going on at the moment and just coz you dont have so much time for him, doesnt mean you've "changed". You're just busy. It happens.
Now, if you've been friends with him for a long time, it would be a shame to lose him. I would suggest you wait a few days and then maybe try to talk to him. if you can, go see him so you can talk face-to-face. If not phone him. Try to make him understand, but try not to get angry, That way you will know you did everything you could to save a friendship. I know he's the one that started this, but if you show him that you still want to be friends, I think that might help.

I recently got a message from a friend that I hadnt spoke to for 6 months or something. We had been best friends in high school but then we had a fight. As soon as I got that message, I realised that our fight had been stupid, and I wished that I'd messaged her sooner.


neo_rufus May 12 2006, 19:19:42 UTC
Thank you, that means allot. :)

It was unfair for him to say that. That's like blaming me for not showing up at some party because I was in body cast, totally unfair, indeed. Good advice, I shall wait a few more days before I attempt to speak with him again. I feel odd making up over the phone, unless he's over seas or something. Like I can imagine the person on the other line making faces, rolling their eyes and stuff while I apologize, and they might not even mean it. Still, I'll use phone as a last resort. :)

That's an interest story you just shared with me. In that case, it sounds like it was a case where you were no longer pissed with each other, but maybe you guys were afraid to break the ice. I hope everything worked out between you two.

As for me, I use to argue with my friends about lame stuff, as well. Like life after death, cartoons, lol. :P


x_shock_me_x May 12 2006, 21:30:45 UTC
To be honest, I have an opinion that most fights people have start because of something silly, though they may seem important at the time. I dont mean to trivialise your fight with your friend, I understand how you feel for him saying that.

I hope you guys make up coz its always sad to lose someone close to you


nosignalinput May 11 2006, 15:57:34 UTC
Firstly, congratulations on your promotion.

I don't think you should be so quick to abandon old friends just because he might have said something stupid. You may be busy with your job but you need to find time to socialise as well since too much work isn't good for you at all.

Then again, you did try talking to him so I suppose I can't say you didn't try. If you do get the chance to talk to him then explain that you have to work a lot and will find time to be with him when you can but he has to realise you can't always be around. He'll discover that people have less free time as they grow older soon enough, but when you're young it's the best and possibly only time you have to enjoy your free time in the way you want. Don't pass up on that opportunity and lose some friends in the process like I have.

I've given up on people in the past and it doesn't leave you in an enjoyable position. Think about it.

Ps - I'll have to go over your story next week now, I won't have the internet for a few days so sorry :-(


neo_rufus May 12 2006, 19:27:24 UTC
Thanks, pal...actually, I'm going to do it your way, just this once. :P Cheers. ;) *I know your smiling* :)

Yeah tell me about it. I'm so busy trying to impress my superiors that I am totally throwing away my social life that I worked so hard to build. That would be stupid of me, to do.

Oh I tried alright. He's one of those brick wall kind of buddies. Won't take "no" for an answer. I'll try and give him a call tonight; it has been a few days. Perhaps he has cool down a bit. I just can not believe that I am getting older, part of me is afarid, but the other is happy. My childhood id like over...went by so fast. :P I'm sure he will learn the hard way when he hits his higher teen years.

I will think about it...thank you, Tom. :)

That is no problem at all. Take your time, no worries. I decided ti add some more detail to the fight scene, I thought it was way to plain when I sent it you, sorry about that. But I will still love to hear your ideas. Laters, mate.


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